Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Damien Gray

“Where are you?” I asked Sebastian through the phone.

Emilia hadn’t followed me after I told her I wasn’t human. I didn’t feel the Alpha’s presence in the house, which meant he had left us completely alone. I assumed he thought Emilia and I would fix things, which we hadn’t.

“I found Luke and he’s headed your way,” Sebastian told me.

“Are you flying?”

“Nope, I’m following him,” he replied and I could hear the grin in his voice.

“Damien,” Luke greeted me.

His tone sounded bitter. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to kick Luke’s ass or if I wanted to ignore him. I doubted he cared whether his Wolf was surfacing or not. His eyes had grown darker and he looked one step away from attacking me.

If he attacked, I wasn’t holding back. I planned on killing him, which was the least the bastard deserved.

There were still a few feet between us, but Luke was quickly closing the distance.

“Luke,” I said his name in a bored tone.

In my mind I kept wondering what the big deal with Luke was. His father wasn’t even a Beta. I had to admit Luke would probably make a strong Wolf, but he wasn’t first or second best in the pack. In my opinion, his strength was overrated.

“I hear you ran away,” he said.

I wanted to wipe the smirk from his face, but Sebastian stepping out from the trees stopped me from giving Luke any comebacks.

“Damy didn’t exactly run away,” Sebastian told Luke while he made his way towards me.

“Sure he didn’t,” Luke taunted.

Sebastian sighed loudly and with a bit of exaggeration, before crossing his arms and shaking his head at Luke.

“You should be careful Lukey boy. You have no idea who you’re messing with,” Sebastian warned him.

Luke didn’t take the threat too well. A growl rumbled through his chest and his claws extracted from his fingers.

“Don’t do anything, we should just get going,” I told Sebastian.

I was honestly considering a fight with Luke a waste of my time.

“You’re scared?” Luke asked, the smirk returning to his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but before I could make any move, Sebastian burst out laughing right next to me.

During the next seconds, some of the shifters in their human form started forming a circle around us.

“Damien?” Emilia called out from behind me.

I had barely turned around to face Emilia, when Luke shoved my shoulder. He was trying really hard to look intimidating. I had to give him props, because in a way, he did look tougher than me.

“You think you can win in this?” Sebastian asked.

There was no humor in his voice, and he had taken a step closer to Luke, only standing about three feet away from him.

“Do you know who I am? What I am?” Luke asked, looking between Sebastian and me.

The crowd gathering around us was quickly getting thicker. Emilia had now made her way over and gotten in the space between Sebastian and me, and Luke and his guys.

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