Chapter 2

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3 years have passed and we found out that Teekas could breed. So mostly all of us had paired up. Most of the Teekas were males so nearly all of the females have been paired up, including me.

My mate is Drake. Surprise surprise! He hadn't wanted a mate but then we started to hang out more and so we became mates.

I am pregnant with our first children. Pregnancy is quick and hatchlings grow up quickly so all of us in total have had about 100 hatchlings. Even then there are not many of us. Some disease had passed through and so only 30 of the original 96 still lived. Our numbers are 125.

The pregnancy lasts for a week. The eggs hatch in a week. Hatchlings can fly in five days. And they are full grown when they are two weeks.

I am six days pregnant. So I am close to having eggs.

Drake landed beside me. "How are you?"

"I'm fine! You need to stop worrying! And before you even ask yes I am going to create a nest for our hatchlings!" Drake had been worried. Hatchling mothers usually make a nest for their hatchlings when they are four days pregnant. Since I am six days pregnant he was worried that I wouldn't make a nest for our hatchlings until it was too late.

"Finally! I'll help! We need to get it done quickly!" I sighed. Fathers usually don't help make the nests but since I am making the nest so late he must want to make sure the nest is built before I give birth to eggs.

"Come on! Let's go choose a place for the nest." I took flight and he followed. We kept flying until I spotted a tree with a hole near the bottom. I flew lower and I saw that the hole was already dug in a little.

I landed and I went into the hole. Drake followed and I caught no scent of anyone which means that a rabbit was probably digging a nest then abandoned it because they died. I began to hollow out the end some more and Drake helped as well.

We got it to a size where three full grown Teekas could fit inside with room to spare. I stopped digging and turned to Drake. "See! I'm done with the den already! I didn't need your help."

"It was faster though!" Drake said in defense. I shook my head in disbelief. Drake would never accept that I could make the den without him. I went outside and I realized it was late so I went back into the den.

Drake and I curled up together in the den. I immediately fell asleep.

I woke up and I saw that Drake was staring at me. "Creep!!!!!" I chuckled when he looked away in embarrassment.

I felt a sharp pain and I realized that I was giving birth to the eggs. My eyes closed and darkness surrounded me.

Teekas birth was not painful at all. When the female feels a sharp pain the body knows the birth is starting so the female goes into something us Teekas call birth sleep. It is where the mind is shut off but the body is awake and pushing the eggs out. The males job is to situate the eggs around the belly of the female. After the birth is over the female comes out of birth sleep.

Some time later I came out of birth sleep. I looked down and I saw three eggs in the curve of my belly. One was a golden color. Another was a dark yellow and the last one was black.

So basically they were all beautiful! I looked up and saw Drake watching me and the eggs. When Drake realized that I knew he was staring at me he turned his head away in embarrassment. I chuckled.

A voice sounded in the main mind link. "Nikkas are patrolling in the forest. Be wary!" I immediately got up and climbed over the eggs out of the den. Drake stayed at the entrance.

I flew up and I saw the Nikkas group. I went over to them and I stayed hidden. I sniffed the air and I tensed when I smelled something that was unfamiliar to me but made me so angry that I wanted to kill it. I soon realized that the Nikkas group was following that scent.

I leaped from my branch and flew. I followed the scent to a weird looking creature. Just looking at it made me want to spew fire out at it. I felt heat in the back of my throat and I shot it out. I ran out and so I dived at it. My sharp claws shot out and took a huge chunk from the creature. The creature screamed and shot out at me. It slammed into my wing and I fell.

Teekas shot out of the trees to attack the creature. Just then some Nikkas came out of the forest. They saw me and I realized that I could feel their emotions.

Their only emotion was concern. One walked up to me and said, "We should take it back and heal it up!" When I realized that they were taking me back to heal me I called to Drake.

"Drake! Can you come to me and bring our eggs? I'm injured and some Nikkas are going to heal me." I immediately got a reply.

"Okay! I'm coming!" I waited for him to come.

He came some time later with one egg in each claw. He landed beside me and the Nikkas picked me up. Drake flew beside us as we left.
Hey everyone!!!! The next chapter is done! I've decided on a schedule for publishing! Every Sunday I will publish a chapter of this!!!! I hope all of you are enjoying the story so far!
I love all you Dragon babies!!!!


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