Chapter 9

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I was laying next to my hatchlings, who were excited to get out of the den. Drake came in, troubled.

"Drake? What's wrong?"

"Sora...... killed someone."

Drake's words were met with silence. Sora killed someone? Why?

"A Nikkas came into the forest and tried attacking her! She was just defending herself." Drake continued.

"Why now? Why would a Nikkas come to attack us now when they could have done it when we first came?"

"I don't know. That's why I'm so troubled. Something must of happened, but I can't think what!!!"

Suddenly I remembered, "Kaliq! He was talking about a coming darkness! Is this it?"

Drake looked at me like I was crazy.

"Do you seriously believe him??????"

"Well it seems so convenient that this happens now after Kaliq talked about coming darkness!"

"He could be right though probably not."

Drake left in deep thought.

I looked down at our hatchlings, "Are you guys ready to fly?"

"YES!!!!!!!!!!!" Was the reply.

I walked out of the nest into the sunlight. Zelda followed me right out. Link was hesitating at the entrance. Mipha was trying to shove him out.

Soon all of my hatchlings came out. They stared at the outside world with wide eyes. I chuckled at them.

I lead them up to a tree.

"See this tree. You need to fly up there."

"Your not going to tell us how to fly???" Link asked, shocked.


I looked over and noticed that Zelda was getting ready to fly. She stretched out her wings and leaped. She flapped her wings a few times then suddenly she flew up to the branch and landed, perfectly.

Link looked shocked. Link hadn't expected for Zelda to learn to fly that quickly.

At that moment, Mipha gained enough courage watching Zelda fly up that she was getting ready to fly. She stretched her wings and jumped she flapped her wings, then suddenly she was up at the branch. She landed and turned to Link.

Link was hesitating and looked from the tree branch to me. I nodded and Link stretched out his wings, getting ready to jump. He hesitated before leaping and then when he was in the air he flapped his wings quickly, alarmed that he was in the air. He was staying in the same place too scared to try and actually fly.

He breathed in a deep breath before he tried flying forward. Then all of a sudden he was flying beautifully. He landed on the branch, shocked that he actually made it.

I flew up to the branch and landed there. Then without warning I jumped and flew through the air.

A few moments later my hatchlings joined me. They had officially learned to fly!

I flew over to where Drake was.

"Turn around and look up."

Drake did just that and he was shocked when he saw me and our hatchlings flying above him. Drake flew up to join us.

"They learned to fly already????"

"Yes, Zelda went first then Mipha and lastly Link went after some encouragement."

"Link didn't go first? He went last? He didn't seem like he would need encouragement for anything! He loves fighting with his sisters!!!"

"That surprised me too, but it looks like Link is actually the more scaredy cat out of all our hatchlings!"

"Interesting! Well what do you want to do now?"

Let's find berries!!!!!!!!!"

Drake chuckled and we flew off looking for some good berries to eat. I spotted some Selana berries. These berries were planted by Nikkas. They came from a planet called Joratempa (it is pronounced Chore-a-temp-a).

We landed and I grabbed a few berries and I ate them.

After we were done eating I decided to speak with Kaliq.

"I need to go do something I'll be right back!"

I flew over to Kaliq's tree house and I went inside. I found Kaliq in his bedroom.

"Kaliq, I presume you heard about the attack a Nikkas did on Sora."

"Yes I did! And I can't think of why anyone would do that. They might be trying to get to me. They could of heard I went to live with all of you, but I don't believe anyone wanted to kill me. I had no enemies except hunger and thirst."

Kaliq grew quiet. I was thinking hard and thought about Kaliq's life story. No one came to mind on who would hate Kaliq that much.

"Well I still can't think of anyone! If I do I'll make sure to tell you!"

I nodded and flew out of a window. I went back to the berries my family and I were picking before, but I couldn't find Drake or the hatchlings there.

I flew back to the nest, but I didn't see them. I flew all around looking until I finally found them. I landed beside them. They had found another berry patch and were eating some of those berries.

"I didn't know where you guys were!!! I thought something happened!"

"Nahhhh! Nothing can ever harm me!!!!" Drake said, puffing out his chest.

I giggled at Drake, he thought he was SO strong, but he actually wasn't.

"I'm just glad you all are okay!"

Drake had just picked a berry, so I reached over and grabbed the berry and ate it. Drake looked over at me, annoyed.

"Hey!!!!! That was my berry!!!! You stole it!!!"

I fell on the floor laughing so hard that I thought I would throw up.

Drake shook his head, still angry at me, but he couldn't help but smile!
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!! Thank you to everyone who reads my story! I made this chapter longer than I've done the last few. I felt bad that the other chapters were so short so I tried to make this one longer!!!!!
I love all you Dragon Babies!!!!!!!!!!


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