Chapter 17

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I opened both of my eyes, slowly, hoping that everything that happened recently would all have been a dream, that I would be back in my den with Drake and my children next to me. Link, completely uninjured, and everything as it should be. but when I opened my eyes I was met with unwelcoming metal walls surrounding me, caging me in.

I looked carefully around at my surrounding looking for any changes, but nothing had changed. The only thing that changed was the sadness in my heart, as my hope of an escape, slowly began to die away.

A loud bang was heard, somewhere on the other side of the my cage. Footsteps slowly began to creep towards my cage.

I darted up and over to a corner in my cage, waiting for the footsteps to get to the front of my cage, my prison.

A Nikkas appeared, it's hands crossed behind its back. It stared into my cell and soon located where I was situated in one of the back corners.

"I see you are finally awake. You are going to stay in here for a long time, so I would get comfortable. Speaking of which I brought with me some food and water. Can't let you die yet, now can I?" It spoke, it's voice sounding very muscular. I decided at that point it was probably a male of its race.

The male threw in a bowl of water, the water splashed everywhere as soon as it landed in the cage. The next thing he threw in was a small slab of meat, which landed close to where I was crouched.

Ewwww meat. Why do they think we're carnivores? We could be herbivores! I thought with a growl.

The man glared at me before turning to leave. He was stopped by another Nikkas hurrying over to him, "Sir, Treekas might not eat meat. We should also bring some berries in for it."

Yes, bring me some berries. I thought, watching the exchange between them with a new resound interest.

"These Treekas look exactly like some carnivores on our old planet. How could it be a herbivore?"

"This planet is relatively new to us. We don't know if these creatures are actually similar to the ones on our planet."

The man glared at the other Nikkas for a moment before replying, "Fine, get some berries for it eat." The man left after saying this and the other Nikkas scurried off, hopefully to get some tasty berries.

So far nothing terrible happened, except being trapped in a cage, but maybe they didn't want to hurt me?

An image of Link suddenly flashed in my mind and I knew they did want to hurt me. Why else would they hurt Link?

I detached myself from the corner and went over to the water, sniffing it cautiously.

It didn't smell like the Nikkas did anything with the water and so I drank a little of it.

I then laid down next to the water and waited, yet again, for something to happen.

Drakes POV

I was sitting in the same exact position as I was yesterday, this time waiting for Vincent to return.

I was scared something bad happened to him as well before I saw a small dot coming straight towards me.

Was it Vincent?

I watched the dot grow bigger before I saw that indeed it was Vincent.

He soon landed next to me, excitement evident on his face, "I think I found out where the Nikkas bass is! I might have found Zoey!"

Joyfulness began to rise in my chest, but I pushed it down, fearing it might be too good to be true.

"We have to go tell Kaliq. He might be able to come up with a plan to see if she is there and if she is then he might also figure out a way to get her back." I replied.

Together, we zip lined towards Kaliq's house and made it there in record time.

We landed and searched for Kaliq. We found him next to Link's body, tending to it.

He looked up as we came in, "Link will probably make a full recovery. I assume that is what you are here for."

"No, I decided to send Vincent out to see if he could locate where Zoey could be. He believed he did, so we both flew over here to tell you, so that you could make up a plan." I explained.

"You went to find her? Do you know how dangerous that is? Vincent could have been captured as well!" Kaliq yelled.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm worried about my mate! Besides we found a lead, we need to do something!" I yelled back.

Kaliq sighed and looked over at me, "I'm sorry I yelled. I know it must be hard for your mate to be missing. We'll figure out a plan to get her back, I promise."

Another promise.

Everyone is making promises it seems.

Would this one be kept like Vincent's? Or possibly be destroyed like mine probably will? Only time will tell I guess.

We made up a plan to get Zoey back. It seemed like it had a chance of working, but this plan was based mostly around luck and hope. It had a huge chance of failing. A chance that I was going to take.

The first part of the plan was to try and contact Zoey. No Treekas has ever tried to contact each other over such a huge distance, so no one knew if it would work.

I was really tired after spending ages trying to figure out the plan, so we all decided to put this plan in action tomorrow. Hopefully this plan would work, hopefully this plan wouldn't fail.

Hope and luck, two things we desperately needed, but didn't get a lot of over the past few days.

Maybe we will be lucky in this plan, if not all is lost.

Great, a lot of pressure is resting on this plan. Yay, my life is amazing! (Not!)

THE RESCUE IS HAPPENING PEOPLE! WILL IT WORK? WILL IT NOT? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON NORMAL TO HYBRID! Anyway tho, this story is starting to wrap up and will probably only have two chapters left. Sad I know, but this story has to wrap up at some point and three chapters seems enough time for what I want to happen. I love you dragon babies!


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