Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The riot in the living room calmed down, when Harry said he would keep his hands off me. Niall relaxes, and went to show me to my room. On the way up the stairs, Harry hands me a slip of paper with his number on it and winks. I roll my eyes but I smile too. He's so flirty, but cute.

Niall stops in front of a door. "This is your room." He opens the door and I walk in and set my bags down.


It's huge, and almost the whole back wall is a window that overlooks an amazing view.

"Thankyou so much, Nialler!" I hug him tightly. He chuckles. "No problem sista," he kisses my cheek before exiting. I'm unpacking when there's a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yell. The door slides open to reveal a now dressed Harry.

He wears a black t-shirt and blue jeans.


"Hey Maggie...sorry about downstairs," he scratches the back of his neck.

"I was just joking around. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable..." I smile at him. He was so cute.

"No worries, I knew you were kidding," I give him a long hug. He is surprised, before realizing what's happening and hesitantly wrapping his arms around my torso. I pull away.

"Because you didn't get one downstairs," I explain. He smiles.

"Alright, well my room us just next door," he turns around and is just about to leave before facing me again.

"And Maggie?"

"Yes, Harry?" I ask.

"Don't fall in love with me," he winks before exiting.

I'll try not to.


I change into a deep blue tank top and blue jean shorts, and put my brown waves into a ponytail. I look in the mirror. My slightly pale skin makes my bright blue eyes pop. Satisfied, I go downstairs. The boys are all sitting on the couches chilling, playing in their phones and laptops and joking around. When I walk down, all heads snap in my direction. It's silent and I'm feeling awkward until Louis wolf whistles and all the boys nod in agreement, each earning a smack from Niall.

I smile and sit on his lap.

"What do yall want to do?" I ask.

"Yall? I thought you were from Ireland, not Texas," Liam jokes.

I look at him seriously.

"I have a secret,"

All the boys lean in, seriousness written on all of their faces. Especially Niall's.

I look Liam straight in the eyes.

"I'm Hannah Montana,"

All the boys laugh.

"Love you too," Liam says laughing.

"Let's play Hide n Seek!" Zayn shouts. We all agree and Louis counts.


I slip into a small closet. A couple moments later someone else slips in beside me.


"Urm, hi," I whisper. This is a REALLY, small closet.

"Hello love," he says.

"I don't think this closet is bug enough for both of us...." I start.

"Why do you think I picked it?" He asks, flirtation dripping from his voice. I roll my eyes and scooch over. He tries to sit down beside me with no success. Frustrated, he picks me up, sits down and puts me on his lap in one swift motion. I turn around to face him.

"Harry Styles, are you trying to seduce me?"

He looks deep into me.

"No, this closet is just really small," he says with no expression whatsoever. I laugh and he clamps a hand over my mouth. I forgot we weren't supposed to be found. Harry slowly moves his hand from my mouth, training his eyes on me.

The closet door rips open.

"I found yo-!" Louis looks at us, we turn to face him. I realize how this must look, me sitting in Harry's lap inches away from his face, his hand in midair. Louis stands and looks at us, then simply closes the closet door. Harry and I look at eachother then jump up and out of the closet. Louis is stiffly walking away, his hand still midair where he held the handle.

"Louis!" We both yell. He swiftly makes a u-turn, looking at us with the same expression he had in the closet.

"It's not what it looked like," Harry tries.

"And what didn't it look like?" Niall asks, standing up from behind the couch.

I'm dead now.


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