Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I can feel the steam coming out of my ears as Emma trots onto the stage.

"Emmie!" Harry yells.

"Hazzy!" She says, jumping into his arms. Every single person in the audience awhs. Except me.

They walk hand-in hand over to the couch and she sits on his lap.


"Awh, you two are so cute!" The interviewer squeals. He kisses her cheek and I make gagging noises, pretending the stick my finger down my throat. Louis sees me and starts to laugh loudly. Everyone looks at him weirdly and he waves them off, still laughing. They all smile and Niall says "Well that's Lou for ya," The interviewer smiles.

"Now we'll take some audience questions!" I girl stands up with microphone.

"Hi, I'm Ahsley. You guys are so cute, can you kiss right now?" She squeaks. The whole audience starts chanting

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" All the boys look a little uncomfortable at the idea. Emma turns around to Harry and gives him a look that says "should we?" He shrugs. They lean in and I can feel myself ripping the plastic on the chair I'm sitting on. Their lips connect and they kiss for a moment. Harry starts to pull back but she won't let him, she continues to kiss and you can tell she slides her tongue into his mouth. The audience goes nuts. They pull back and smile embarrased.

"Give it up for the happy couple!"

I rip a chunk off my seat.


I get in the car, not really wanting to talk to Harry. I don't know why, I'm just not in the mood. Not after seeing that.

He sits in beside me and rests his palm on my thigh. I resist the urge push it off me. He leans over and whispers "You know that wasn't real," in my ear seductively. He starts kissing my neck and I drop all of my resentment because it feels so good. I turn around and kiss him, but I jerk back. He tastes like Emma.

I feel bile start to rise in my throat.

"Louis, pull over!" I screech. He immediately pulls off to the side of the rode. I stagger through the car, climbing over Zayn. I stumble off the road and vomit. I feel someone holding my hair back and someone else rubbing my back. After I'm don't upchucking, I look up to see Niall and Harry.

"What was wrong?" Niall asks, concern lining his face.

I laugh a bit before saying "He tasted like Emma,"

Niall let's out a giant laugh.


When we get home, I still don't feel well. I see Harry sprint upstairs as soon as we get through the door. Confused, I slowly walk up the stairs to see Harry in the bathroom, feverishly brushing his teeth, scrubbing his whole mouth with the back. I walk in a put my head on his shoulder.

"You're so sweet," I laugh.

"Adhoydvnkyt," I can't understand a word he's saying, his toothbrush in his mouth.

'I'm sorry, what was that?" I tease.

"Sgjlhfrgchkhg!" He exclaims.

"Sorry, can you repeat that?" I push.

"YJKLAHSHXBXNXLS!" He yells. I laugh.

"I love you too."


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