Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

There's a knock at my door.

Why do so many people insist on talking to me?

"Come in," I sigh.

Louis walks in and sits on my bed.

"Hey love, how are you?"

I flop back on my bed.

"Good, but my first day has been quite hectic," I say.

"I agree. What's going on, between you and Harry?..." he asks politely.

"Lou, honestly, nothing. He's a nice guy, and we're friends. He's just flirty that's all," he smiles at me.

"Alright, I'll see you in the morning then, night love," he kisses my cheek.

"Nighty Lou,"

I sit up at another knock on my door.

Damn, I'm just Ms Popular today.

"Come in," I say slightly annoyed. My best friend and brother pokes his head through the door, a mouthful of candy slightly muffling his words.

"Just came to say goodnight," he says.

"Good night, Nialler," I say, kissing his cheek. It's very hot in my room so I decide to sleep in my bra and underwear.

I slip into bed and think of today's events. Besides some of the drama, it was fun. I'm very excited to live here.


I am half asleep, awoken by the birds outside. Without opening my eyes, I flop over and my arm hits something hard beside me.


Something hard?

I open my eyes to see Harry, sound asleep beside me, my arm resting in his stomach.

"Harry!" I scream, pulling myself to the edge of the mattress. He groans,

"Five more minutes,"

"Harry, what the fuck are you doing here?!" I whisper-shout.

"Hmm?" He says, opening his eyes sleepily. They snap open and he looks at me shocked.

"I-I-I-I don't know!" He yells.

"I-" he starts again before looking resolved.

"I must've sleep-walked here in the middle of the night. I do it all the time, I've done it to all the lads. Ah well," he says as he starts to go to sleep again. I slap him across the face and he looks up.


"Harry, I'm in my bra and underwear," I say, my cheeks heating up.

His eyes widen.

"Are you actually?!" He says loudly. He starts to peek under the covers before I smack his hand away.

"Get OUT!" I whisper shout.

"I-I can't," he stutters

"And why not?" I snap.

"I...I-I sleep naked," he says quickly.

My eyes widen.

"Take the sheet, and get out," I say, calmly.

He starts laughing. It's starts as a chuckle, then escalates into a full-out laughing fit. I'm about to ask what's so funny when I realize how ridiculous this predicament is. I start to laugh too, and we're laughing together.

"Now get out, you perv," I say, throwing him the sheet, smiling.

He walks out and I go back to sleep.


I get up and pick a flowery tank that ties at the middle, revealing a bit of my mid-drift and a pair of blue jean shorts. I go downstairs and the boys are in the kitchen, eating.

"G'morning love, would you like some pancakes?" Liam asks in an apron and a chef hat. I giggle at his get-up.

"Yes please, Mrs Payne," the boys snicker and Liam gives my a playful glare.

"We're going to a signing today. Would you like go come with?" Zayn asks.

I grin. "I'd love to,"


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