Chapter 18

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Author's Note

i'm a little tired so this chapter may be boring! so i apologise!


Chapter 18

After Harry encouraged me, I became more confident and remembered I was sorta good. On every turn I would get a strike or a spare.

"Dammit, Maggie, you're a machine!" Liam exclaims. I blush and mutter a thanks. Harry is fairly good too. I watch him intently. God, he's so cute.

At the end, we end up winning by 30 points. I jump up and down and Niall picks me up and spins me around. We leave with me sitting on Niall and Harry's shoulders, feeling like a queen. I laugh and almost fall off multiple times. Harry takes me off their shoulders and chucks me into the car. I scream and laugh uncontrollably. I climb in the back and before Niall can, Harry scrambles into the back with me.

"Haha!" He shouts at Niall. Niall just gives him a strange look and sits down. The ride is relatively quiet on my part, the 4 boys talking and Harry and I sitting in silence that isn't awkward.

"When we get back, do you want to go for a walk?" Harry says, grabbing my hand. I smile and nod, putting my head on his shoulder. He pets my hair as he whispers weird things in my ear.

We pull into the driveway and we all get out. I run up to my room and change into a pair of short black spandex shorts and a pink tanktop. I hear a knock on my door and Harry walks in.

"Well don't you look lovely," he says taking my hand in his. He looks very striking in his white t-shirt and beige pants. We walk out of the house and around a block. I don't know where we're going. The sun is just setting on the beautiful London scenery.

"So...what are you going to do about Hamma?" I ask. He sighs.

"Tomorrow we have an interview. I was wondering if I could announce us then..."

My heart feels heavy. I don't really know if I'm ready for this...

"I'm gonna get so much hate," I whisper. He frowns.

"The real fans will like you. And worse comes to worse? We throw your phone out," he jokes. After a few more minutes of walking I can't take it anymore.

"Where are we going?" I ask. It's almost dark out. He gets a mischievous grin.

"You'll see,"

We turn the corner and we are now walking on a pier.

I probably should have guessed, but I didn't.

He yanks on my hand and we run onto the beach. We case eachother around and he picks me up and spins me around. We goof around for a little bit. I lie down in the sand and he lays beside me.

"This was a great idea, Haz. Thanks so much," I say. He smiles.

"Anything for my lady," he replies.

His lady.

He jumps up out of the sand.

"Stand up," he commands.

"What if I don't want to?" I tease.

He takes off his shirt, then his pants, to relieve him in just his boxers.

God, he had a good body.

I snap back to reality, confused. I'm about to ask him what he's doing.

"Then....I'm gonna have to force you," he grabs my waist and throws me over his shoulder. What is he doing?

"Harry!" I squeal laughing.

"Put me dow-!" I realize he's walking in the direction of the water.

"NO NO NO NO NO. Harry, put me dow-"

He runs into the water and sets me down in it. For a moment I go under then I pop back up.

And I start laughing.

"I would've come in for a swim if you asked...."

"Well actually, I told you to stand up but you didn't. So technically, I did," I laugh at him. Then, under the water, I take off my shorts. Then I take off my top and throw them both on the shore. I'm now in my bra and underwear.

I can see Harry's eyes bulge and I almost have to scrape his jaw off the floor.

"What, you've never seen a girl in her bra before?" I ask. He gulps.

"Not one as fit as you," he replies. I roll my eyes and he pulls me into him."Ever had a kiss in the rain?" He asks.

That instant it starts to pour.

I laugh, dumbfounded.

"How did you do that?!" I ask in disbelief.

"I don't know!" He yells. He looks down at me and I bite my lip. He smirks.

"You're so cute," he whispers and leans in. He starts out gentle and it turns passionate. The rain drips down both of our faces and soaks our hair. I put my hands on his cheeks. I'm pressed up against him. The rain drops into the water. We are soaking wet.

And this moment is perfect.


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