Fairy Tail (Rogue Cheney)

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A crack of thunder signified the most dramatic part of my life.


"Erza, Juvia," I faced the two girls at my front door, "I appreciate the act you're committing by coming over here, but I just want to be alone."

"We know that's not really true," Juvia persisted. "No one ever truly wants to be alone."

"You haven't been to the guild ever since it happened," Erza pointed out. "We've all been worried about you. Even Gajeel volunteered to come with us!"

"Please, just let us in." Juvia's eyes watered like the rain that poured down behind her.

I took a deep breath and exhaled it all before saying, "Alright, come on in."


"I know that I shouldn't be so dramatic," I claimed with my head resting on Erza's sturdy shoulder, "but he really hurt me." Tears welled up in my eyes, but I'd done enough crying on my own and I didn't need my best friends-- No, I didn't want my best friends cleaning up my mess.

"Shizu, just let it all out." A few of my tears passed down my cheeks with ease. Erza pat my head a bit as she continued, "What he did was wrong, and I'm surprised you won't let me go over to his guild and give him a mega--"

"Erza." Juvia put her hand up. "We get the point." The rain woman scooched to my other side and linked her arm with mine. "Juvia doesn't think he's even worth your grief," she told me. "If you're really that hurt by him, you shouldn't keep him in your thoughts." She took my hand and lifted it in the air. "Release your reservations into the wind."

"You're one to talk," I said with a sniffle. "There's not a single second of the day when you're not thinking about Gray."

Erza giggled as Juvia claimed, "That's not the same! Gray-sama and I have something special, and he can't deny it!"

"Juvia, you're something special," I said, wiping the last bit of my sadness away from my face. "It's just that I thought our relationship was really serious. It never even crossed my mind that he'd do what he did, but I guess I was wrong to think we had mature feelings for each other."

Erza brought the three of us in for a closer hug. "We all have our first love experiences. You'll get over it, I promise."

"I know, I know..."

"And if you don't, I'll kill him."

We burst out laughing. "I'm not saying I'll allow it, but I'm not stopping you, either," I said. Juvia giggled out an agreement.

Just then, I heard a soft pound on the window. We all heard it. "What was that?" Juvia asked.

"Probably just some bird that hit my window or something," I brushed it off. "They do it all the time."

"But why would the birds be trying to fly through this rainstorm?"

"I don't know, Juvia. It's probably nothing."

We would've left it alone if another sound hadn't come from the glass. "Are you sure that's just the birds?" Erza said.

"I guess I'll go check it out," I announced, hoisting myself up off the pile of pity we created on my bedroom floor. The pounding sound grew louder and more frequent as I stepped up to my window. Growing impatient, I threw open my window curtains to find the one person I never wanted to see again on my front lawn, standing in the pouring rain, rock in hand. No, I whispered, but of course he couldn't hear me. He threw another rock at my window, coaxing me to go outside.

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