Boku no Hero Academia (Shouto Todoroki)

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"Mama, what's for dinner?" My little girl bounced over to me and tugged on my pant leg.

I tried to keep balance as I turned on the stove. "I think we're gonna have some mac n' cheese tonight. What do you think?"

She let go and flapped her hands. "Mama's macaroni! Mama's macaroni!" she began chanting. I watched on in adoration as she hopped around the kitchen island. Her petite pigtails went wild with her.

She made a full circle around the kitchen and came back to me. "Will Daddy be home for dinner?" she asked.

My smile faltered. "You know, honey, your father has a lot of hero work to do, so I don't think he'll make it to dinner," I cautiously answered. Her bottom lip started poking out, indicating the waterworks. Thinking of a good distraction, I said, "Don't worry, alright? We can have fun together! You wanna help me make the mac--"

"I WANNA HELP!" She made grabby hands up at me and I lifted her onto the counter. "I wanna learn how to make Mama's macaroni so I can surprise Daddy with it one day."

My heart softened at her innocent words. Not wanting to tear up, I grabbed the familiar box out of the cabinet and set it on the counter. "Oh, would you look at that? All we have are the ones shaped like Spongebob characters," I said with a fresh grin. "Is that okay with you?"

"I love Spongebob! Do they have Gary mac n' cheese?"


"Honey, can you move your sweatshirt a little bit?"


I smiled at my daughter as I stirred up dinner. "It was just a little close to the stove, is all." Her tiny hand inched closer to the black top, and I resisted the urge to slap it away. "Remember, don't touch the stove."

"But..." She snuck closer to the heat source. "But that makes me want to touch it more."

My eyes widened. "Okay, that's enough kitchen time for you." I set her back down on the floor despite her pouty face. "We don't touch the stove because it's hot."

Her doe eyes stared at my figure in front of the forbidden device. "How come Mama gets to touch the stove?"

"Mama doesn't get to touch the stove. She gets to use the stove, but she doesn't touch the hot part." I ruffled her hair a little and returned to the pot.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her fiddle with her sweatshirt sleeves and slowly reach up towards the stove. If this kid hasn't learned her lesson...

"Honey, what did I tell you about touching the stove?"

Her pout increased and she stomped her foot. "I just want to touch it for a second! One second!" She held up a finger.

I pondered for a second and kneeled in front of her. "Here, let's think about it like... You know how Daddy uses his quirk to fight the bad guys?" I started.

She nodded her head eagerly. "Yeah, I see him on the news! He goes ZOOM ZOOM past the villains and shoots the ice right at them!"

I shook my head. "Well, yes, but no. What else does he do?"

"He... he looks at the camera and makes you get all--"

"NO, no, the other thing!"

"Oh, he uses his fire to keep the villains away!"

"Yes, he does," I smiled as I pictured Shouto doing just that as we spoke. "And the stove does the same thing."

She gasped. "The kitchen has a quirk?!"

"That's not what I meant, no!" I laughed. "The stove is hot, like Daddy." I cringed at the sentence. "He uses his fire to keep the villains away, and the stove uses it to cook our food; but don't be fooled, because the stove can hurt you too. If you get too close, it'll burn you."


"Yes, really. That's why we're careful with the stove."

"T-Then I guess I shouldn't touch it..." she said with a guilty pout.

I smiled and hoisted myself back up. "Welp, this mac n' cheese isn't going to make itself!"


"Is that Mama's macaroni I smell?"

My daughter gasped. "Daddy's home!" she exclaimed as she ran over and gave him a big hug.

His arms enveloped her and lifted her to his height. "How's my little girl doing?"

"Amazing! I learned so much today!"

"Oh yeah? What'd you learn?" he asked as he put her on the ground.

"Mama told me that you're just like a stove!"

Shouto eyed me preparing bowls for everyone. "A stove?" he stuttered.

I giggled. "That's not really what I said."

"Yeah it is. You said that the stove was hot like Daddy!"

Shouto flashed a smirk at me. "Hot like Daddy?"

"I told her not to touch the stove, alright?" I defended, making my way over to my husband. "An innocent lesson."

"Innocent lesson my ass," he mumbled into my ear as he leaned down for a kiss.

I narrowed my eyes. "Honey, why don't you go start your dinner and we'll be there in a sec?"

"Okay, but come quick!" The child bounced away and climbed into her seat at the dining table.

"Anything she tells you I said is exaggerated."

Shouto chuckled at me and kissed my cheek. "So the stove isn't hot like Daddy?"

"Don't make me hit you." He raised a hand in defense, making the underside of his sleeve visible. "Ohh, is that the burning smell? Your sleeve?"

"What? Is it still on fire?" He pat his arm. "There, all good."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I'm just happy you're home. We thought you weren't gonna make it."

A guilty look crossed his face. "Sorry I've been taking longer. Work seems to be piling up."

"It's fine with me, as long as you and your clothes come home unscathed." He rolled his eyes. "It's your daughter who's anxious."

"Well, tell her she has nothing to worry about. I can handle my job."

"And I'm not doubting that, but..."


I sighed. "She just doesn't like it when you're not home. It's getting harder to keep her cheerful."

Shouto chuckled. "What can I say? She's a daddy's girl." We both looked over at her kicking her legs back and forth as she happily smacked on her dinner. "Let's not forget that she's a daddy's girl who's waiting for us to eat with her."

"What do you mean waiting? Look at her over there, nearly finished already."

"That's what happens when you spoil her with good food."

"Yeah, but I'm spoiling you too. Go over there and eat with her."

I pushed him away and hooked my fingers onto his jacket, pulling it off. As I went to go hang it up, I heard the two bonding over mac n' cheese. "I'm excited! Which shapes are they this time?"

"Daddy, I'm eating Gary!"

Could you tell I really didn't want to give the daughter a name? XD

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