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You finally got to leave that house since you graduated. Even better is you got to see you favorite band, My Chemical Romance.

You wore and mcr hoodie, black combat boots, black skinny jeans, and some bracelets. You were so excited to see them.

  You barely got to do anything, your parents wouldn't let you. You hated it, you had no social life.

  "Bye, ma!" You called out, walking to the door. "I'll be home later!"

~after the concert~

You called your mom, who you really didn't wanna see but you had to get home. You were outside of the stadium they played at sitting on a bench around the side of the outside of it. You called a few more times and started to worry. You called your dad. No response. You called about five more times, no response. You started to cry. You pulled your knees up to your chest and cried into your hoodie sleeves.

Your crying went down a bit, so you checked the time on your phone. 11:37 pmDamn what kinda parents would leave their kids alone this late at night. You thought to yourself. Oh wait, mine would. You couldn't stop crying. You heard footsteps coming closer but you didn't care to look up.

"Are you alright?" The person said. The voice was familiar in a way but you didn't care, you just wanted to be alone. You didn't respond. "You can talk to me, I won't hurt you." He said with a soft tone. It took you a moment but you responded.

"Yeah I'm okay, its just my parents are, um, too busy to pick me up." You said not wanting to tell this person what happens at home since you didn't know him.

  "Do you want me to call them?" He asked. 
  "Already tried." You said still looking at your knees.
  "Can you look at me for a second, I'm not trying to be weird I just wanna see your face. I won't hurt you." The man said. You hesitated but eventually looked up. Your jaw almost dropped when you saw who the man was. He had hazel green eyes, pale skin, and longish black hair. It was Gerard Way. 

"Now can you tell me whats actually wrong." He said very calmly.

  "Well, I was being honest about my parents not picking me up is true." I replied reluctantly.

"Well what about the rest, are they not busy?" Gerard said.

  "Well they are busy, busy getting drunk." You mumbled the last part. It seemed that he heard you say the last part because after you said that he responded with sigh and sat down next to you.

  "I'm sorry about you having to deal with that." He says.

  "You don't have to care. I'll just walk home." You said with a small smile. It wasn't real but it was just for him not to worry.

  "I don't think someone as pretty as you should be walking home this late at night. I'll just take you home." You blushed and immediately looked down.

   "No, I'll be fine, I'll just call someone from my family." You said standing up. He grabbed your wrist and sat you back down gently.

   "I know your lying, I seriously insist. I don't think the band would mind." He said.

   "Okay." You say blankly.

  "Follow me to the bus. Stay close so the security knows your with me." He told you. You just nodded and followed. You walked past the guard who nodded at Gerard. Once you neared the bus he asked a question, "I never got your name, what is it?" He asked sweetly.

   "(Y/n)" you responded.

You entered the bus and nice warm air hit you, which was relieving considering you were out in the freezing cold for an hour.

  "Who's this beautiful girl, Gee?" You hear his brother, Mikey ask. You blushed at his comment and looked down.

  "This is (Y/n), she really needs a ride home." He said. Mikey came up and lifted your face.

  "Don't be shy, we won't hurt you." He said sweetly.

  "O-okay." You responded.

  "(Y/n) you can go sit down if you'd like." Gerard said.

  "Okay, thank you." You said sitting on the empty couch. You saw Gee talking to the bus driver and he nodded.

After a few minutes into the drive your phone started to ring. You looked at who it was mom was all it said. You answered it. "Hello?"

  "Yeah hi, where the fuck are you? The concert ended an hour ago!" Your mom yelled through the phone. You could tell she was drunk due to the slurred tone in her voice.

  "I'm sorry, it's just you didn't answer your phone when I called you." You said in a slightly aggravated tone.

  "Well guess what you little bitch,  since you wanna be so disobedient, I'm not paying for you to live here. Once you get home grab your shit and leave." She said and hung up.

You could feel your eyes tear up. "Where is the bathroom?" You ask on the verge of tears.

   "Over there." Ray pointed. You thanked him and walked as calm as you could to the restroom door. You entered and locked the door. You then started to cry. You heard a knock at the door.

   "(Y/n), are you okay? It sounds like your crying." You hear what sounds like Frank say.

  "I'm fine." You say staying to hide the fact you were sad.

   "No you're not, let me in." He responded. You unlocked the door and stepped out.

  "What's wrong with (Y/n)?" You hear Gerard ask Frank.

   "I don't know that's what I'm trying to find out." Frank answers. "So, what IS wrong?" He asks exaggerating the is.

  "Once I get home, I have to pack my things and leave." You say trying not to cry anymore.

   "Oh, well do you have a place to go?." He questioned.

   "Not really. I don't have much family or have any friends." You say. "But I'll rent out a hotel room until I have enough money to buy my own place."

  Frank walked over to Gerard and spoke to him. After about five minutes he came back to you. "No, you don't have to, you can stay with us, the band said they wouldn't mind. We're going home after the next concert and you can stay with one of us." Frank said.

   "No you don't have to." You insist.

   "Yeah we don't have to, we want to. You seem like a nice person." He responded.

   "Really?" You say suprised. "Thank you so much."

  "Not a problem." He smiled.

You arrive at your house. You decide to go through your window and grab your stuff to leave. You packed all of your stuff and left. My life is gonna change today. You thought jumping out of the second floor window.


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