Chapter 4

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"What happened to 'I'm not going to selfishly get involved'?" I yell at Kelley through the bathroom door.

We had been stuck in the bathroom for only five minutes and the silence was already killing me. For the first few minutes, we ended up just staring at each other. For the remaining, Jinyoung had given up and started picking up the mess Baro made.

"Now. Now. Don't turn my words on me!" I hear her voice through the door.

"But, I didn't!" And I knew it was true.

"Whatever! You're still not getting out unless you two start talking again." She says.

'Talking! I'm not the one that hasn't been talking! Sure...I refuse to be the first one to say anything directly...but! That's different!'

When I no longer heard her on the other side, I give up and turn around to face Jinyoung. He was picking up the last thing that was out, a comb, and sitting it back in the cabinet.

I get tired of standing and walk towards the sink, even though it was right next to him. I jump and land on top, giving my legs a break from standing. He moves towards the toilet and sits on top of it.

Again, we are met with silence.

I grab a fingernail file, which was oddly just sitting out, and twirl it in my fingers. I look away from him in deep thought.

'Just say something. It's not that bad. Uhh! But, my pride will be at stake if I do! Aish. Why is it so h-'

I am brought out of my thoughts when I realize Jinyoung had come closer and was waving his hand in front of my face trying to capture my attention.

"Are you ok?" He asks me. I look at him confused until he lightly grabs my hand causing me to flinch in pain. I look down to see that I had somehow managed to scratch the top of my skin, enough to make it bleed, with the fingernail file.

"I'm ok," The image of how he treated me when I asked him the same question when he stomped his toe on the door, appears into my mind. "You can just leave me alone. Ignore me like you have been." I say jerking my hand back. I had to fight the pain I inflicted onto myself when I did that. He sighed when I did so.

"First, this is different." He says grabbing my hand again and pulling me off the sink. "Second, I wasn't ignoring you." He turns the water on and places my hand in it. I bottled up a yell when he did so.

"Different how!? Oh, then what do you call constant silence and avoiding contact?" I distract myself by letting myself get angry and offended by what he said.

"I didn't talk to you because you're the one that said talk when I wanted too. I thought you would figure out that I'm just not naturally a 'talk a lot' kind of person. I don't rattle on in conversations. You're the one that never figures that out." This time I really was offended.

"Well, Excuse me for wanting human communication." I turn to face away from him just as he was wrapping up my hand in a paper towel.

"You know, I did learn one good thing." I look at him. My face, written in confusion. "I learned that maybe it is better to befriend someone than to have an enemy especially if they're my roommate." I was still confused at his sudden turn of attitude and the fact that he sounds just like Kelley at this very moment. "But, I'll make it up to you. How about we escape out of here and go to the small diner you kept staring at every time on the way back to the dorm." The memory of the time in the past few days, that I would stop in front of the small diner, floated into my mind.

"Where are you going with this?" I eye him weirdly.

'I know I have weird mood swings but, this is just insane.'

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