Chapter 5

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"Why are we going to a party?" I question her as we finally make it into her car.

"Because it's fun and we're not kids anymore So Yeon." She puts the car in drive and pulls off in an unknown direction to me.

"But, on a Tuesday though," I say. I sit back and just let it go, knowing that at the moment there is no way out of this.

We come to a stop in front of a tall building on the other side of the city. Lights were escaping from inside. I could hear the hard beats of the music before even entering the building. Kelley comes around the car and pulls me out and into the building.

"I don't want to be here," I yell at her, trying to be louder than the music. I could tell she didn't hear me because she continues to pull me deeper into the building. At one point, she lets go. I lost her not even a minute being in here. I walk aimlessly around, which was hard without running into someone every second, looking for her. I give up and decide to leave.

On my way out, I run into a guy who seemed to have had too much to drink. He was bent over barely able to walk. He spots me and walks over. He leans against the wall, that was on my left and starts to say something. Only thing was I couldn't hear him over the music and honestly, I didn't think I need too. I slowly push past him ignoring whatever attempts he was trying. After fighting through a sea of people, I finally make it out of the building. The cold welcomes me by sending a chill up my legs. The coat wasn't doing the best job keeping me warm.

As soon as I make it to the end of the sidewalk, towards the car, I feel the strange presents again. The aura was back. I follow it knowing exactly what it was leading me to. I spot a little store not far from the building and head towards it. I had just crossed the street when I came to a halt. The feeling was getting stronger, and as if on cue, Jinyoung comes walking out of the store. A sinister smile creeps up on my face.

"Hey! Jinyoung!" I yell at him. He looks in my direction confused until he realizes who I am. "What are you doing?" I ask as I approach him.

"Picking something up." He answers shortly. I follow him in silence for a minute before he says something again. "Quick question, why are you in a dress?" He asks. He eyes me from the corner of his eyes.

"I was at a party with Kelley." He shakes his head seeming to understand now. "Which by the way... can I have a ride?" I ask hoping up next to him.

"No." He says without hesitation.

"Please! I'm going exactly where you're going." I continue to beg.

"No." the same word flows out of his mouth. I stop and glare at his back.

"I don't have anyone else to give me a ride." I run to catch up to him.

"Sure, because you came all the way across the city on your own two feet." He says as we reach his car. "Knowing you, you came with Kelley. Just go back with her!" He said slowly sliding into his car. I quickly run around to the other side of his car and open the passenger door. Just as I do I hear the lock. I smile thankfully I opened it in time. As I slide in I hear him sigh.

"Out." He says placing the key into the ignition.

"Awww come on, you wouldn't want to leave your dorm mate all alone in the city."

"You're not my problem. You're Kelley's. Go back to the party where she is at and go back with her." He tries again to persuade me to leave.

"That's why I left in the first place. I didn't want to be at the party. And before you ask," I could see him start to open his mouth only to shut it again. "She forced me to go. I didn't want to in the first place."

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