Chapter 11

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My mother searched the whole house but she couldn't find me. I was nervous. How did she know I would be here? She did ask Liam A LOT of questions.

"Where are your roommates?" My mother questioned. "They all went out to get some supplies." Liam lied. (Luckily for Liam he is a pretty good liar) "Well then, who all lives her? Give me names." She demanded. "Well, Joey and Tom." He said without hesitating. "Is Joey your girlfriend?" She asked with a raised brow. "Yes, well it's complicated." He said while stuttering. "You can lie all you want but I will find out the truth!" She exclaimed.

That's exactly how it went down. And I was nervous after that. Thankfully, she stormed out after that. I slowly come out from under the couch and Alex climbed out of the cabinet. "That was close." Liam said with relief. "Bro, we almost got caught!" Alex exclaimed. I was frozen. I couldn't move, I was shocked. Liam and Alex noticed my state and began shaking me. I finally moved. "Guys, you can stop shaking me now." I said as they stopped shaking me.

I began to pace around the room. Alex and Liam were shouting at me but I blocked them out. My mom has recovered and she wants me to come home. If I do go home then she will probably beat me back into the hospital. If I don't go back she will probably find me and beat me up. So either way I'm going to the hospital. Or I could run away?

A half an hour later

 I smelt something, smoke? I stopped and began to follow the smell. I walked all the way to the backyard and I found a fire that started from the barbecue. I ran towards the fire and I just stopped. I starred into the fire thinking about how it tells a story. It grows bigger and then it gets smaller. I feel the heat of the fire and it begins to spread. 

"PUT THE FIRE OUT!" Liam screams and I quickly put it out by absorbing the oxygen from the fire. "Why was there even a fire?" I ask. Alex was laid on the floor behind where the fire was. He was trying to make something until it got out of hand. I rush to his unconscious body. "Alex!" I shout as I sit next to him. Tears began to stream down my cheeks as I screamed my lungs out. I began to shake his body in attempt to wake him up, for him to come back to me. Liam tries to reach for his phone but I stop him. I get up from next to his body.

I slowly walk towards Liam and he knows what I have to do. My body slowly morphs into a new form, someone that can save him. My wings stretch out of my back and more arms appear out of my sides. I approach Alex's body and it begins to levitate into the air. I inhale before placing my hand over his chest, where his heart lays. His heart begins to ignite with love. Once his body lands back on the floor his eyes flutter open.

My body returns to its natural form and I land next to his side. The tears stop trailing down my cheeks and I look into his eyes. He put his warm hands onto my cheeks, rubbing away my tears. A smile spread wide across my face and I hugged him. This reminded me of what they said to me the other day. They both approached me and told me that I have to pick between them. Thinking about it, I am very unsure who to choose. They both have their own amazing qualities. 

I let go of him and I got up from his side. I looked at the both of them before running back into the house. I made quick and sudden movements until I reached my room. As I locked my door Liam began knocking on it. I threw myself onto the bed and reached for my phone. My headphones still attached to them. Slowly, I put the headphones on my head and I put on my favorite song. (By the way, I am NOT trying to take this song as my own or anything like that. This song is NOT my own but I recommend that you go listen to it and download it on iTunes) 

Empty by Jaiden & Boyinaband , is my FAVORITE SONG EVER! I really like it. I lay back and look at the roof. Looking at the stars that I painted onto my roof. There was a beautiful moon that Alex painted for me in the corner. I never knew until that day that he was artistic. I glanced to the other side of the room where the door stood to my bathroom. I took off my headphones and Liam screamed to me. "You better get dressed cause we are going out, okay?" I thought about not answering him but that would be very rude. "Okay" I replied and picked something out of my closet. I found a beautiful black dress. It was very sexy and it was lace. I quite liked it. A note fell on the floor as I took the dress off of the hanger.

I picked it up gently and I began to read it. "Dear Layla, I hope you enjoy this dress that I bought you for any occasion. Love Liam." As I read it I smiled, it was very sweet of him. I Put it on and matched it with a pair of black pumps and I curled my hair. As I opened the door he was standing there with his mouth open. I giggled at the sight and I descended down the stairs. The dress flowed behind me as I walked. It was very formal but lucky for me the boys were both wearing suits. I smiled when I saw how handsome they both looked. "Are you ready to go, your highness?" He said as he extended his hand to me while bowing. "Yes, my kind knight." I giggled and took his hand. 

We all walked out together and I felt happy. As we were walking someone bumped into to me, knocking me over. When I stood up I saw that it was someone from our school. He was dressed in a very revealing outfit. I could see his bare chest but I wasn't complaining. He began to apologize repetitively. After that he slide his number into one of the hidden pockets in my dress and I smiled at the thought. As he walked away I waved him goodbye and then we walked on.

I Hope You Guys Enjoy This Chapter And I Am SO Sorry For Not Uploading For A While.

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