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ok this chapter is v shitty so yeah just a warning

oh and early update bc why not?


It was friday, meaning the day she had her little date thing with Michael. She wouldn't really call it a date because firstly, she only liked Michael as a friend, and secondly, Michael didn't really date.

She had around fifteen more minutes till her shift ended, and then she'd have to sprint back home so she could get ready on time. Silently biting on her nails, she scanned the empty room she had to work in every day, as she had nothing else to do.

The quiet atmosphere that surrounded her creeped her out, and sometimes she needed a little company. Hazel smiled as a bright idea popped into her head, then grabbed her phone and went through the songs she had illegally downloaded on it.

Immediately, she picked Backseat Serenade by All Time Low, which was one of her favorite songs at the moment. She softly hummed to the song, smiling widely as she swayed back and forth.

"Backseat Serenade," she sung loudly, twirling behind the counter, "Dizzy hurricane, oh God I'm sick of sleeping alone."

Her body professionally moved to the beat of the song as she sang, waving her arms in the air and shaking her head every now and then. She twirled once more, this time facing the supermarket door, where she found Luke leaning on the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and smile playing at his lips.

Hazel instantly stopped her little dance party, feeling extremely embarrassed. She awkwardly stood behind the counter, chewing on her bottom lip.

She watched as Luke slowly emerged towards her, sticking his hand out for her to hold. Surprisingly, she did that, and he softly pulled her from behind the counter, holding both her hands lightly.

"You take me over," he sung, swaying across the small room with her, smiling slightly at her as she just stared at him in confusion.

"I throw you up against the wall," they both sang, laughing at each other as they dancing together, "We've seen it all before, but this one's different."

The chorus repeated once more, Luke began badly free-styling as Hazel just laughed at how ridiculous he looked. He began striking stupid moves; robot dancing and doing this sort of twerk-like ass shake, making Hazel nearly pee from laughter.

Before the song even finished, Hazel's phone died, due to the fact it had no battery left. She returned back behind the counter, both Luke and Hazel staring at one another.

"I still hate you," Hazel spoke up, smirking at him. Luke nodded and laughed, running his hands through his quiff.

"What?" she asked, now realizing that she just danced with Luke; a boy she barely knew, "Came to buy more condoms?"

"Shockingly, no, I just came to say hi," Luke smiled.

"That didn't go as planned," she grinned, raising an eyebrow upwards.

"Yeah," he agreed, nodding.

"What's up with you and condoms, though?" Hazel asked, tilting her head at him.

"I can't tell you," he smirked.

"And why is that?" Hazel crossed her arms over her chest as she continued to quiz him.

"The information is highly confidential," Luke explained.

"Just admit you have a condom
collection," sighed Hazel.

"I can't admit something that is false," Luke smiled.

She rolled her eyes, tearing her attention from Luke to the clock, reading that her shift had finished around two minutes ago.

"Fuck," she muttered under her breathe, instantaneously gathering all her items. Her phone was thrown in her purse as she took off her apron, frantically searching for all her things.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked, sounding quite worried.

"Nothing," Hazel breathed out, "I have a date, and I'm going to be late."

"A date?" Luke questioned, clearly amused.

"Yes, Luke, I actually have a life outside this shit place," joked Hazel, rolling her eyes.

"With who?" continued Luke.

"My friend, Michael," answered Hazel, finally done getting all her things.

Luke's eyes widened, "Clifford?"

She stopped, turning her attention to him with a puzzled look on her face.

"Do you know him?" she asked, confused.

"No," Luke shook his head, "A few of my friends do."

Hazel gasped, "You have friends?"

"Yes, Hazel, I actually have a life besides buying condoms," Luke mocked.

"Whatever," Hazel smiled awkwardly at him before leaving the supermarket, walking briskly to the apartment she lived in. It wasn't really dark, but she still had to slow down. The constant fear of keeping Michael waiting haunted her; okay, I lied, Hazel really liked Michael, but she didn't want to. As mentioned, Michael didn't date.

There wasn't really a reason to it, he just didn't. No, he didn't hook up with random girls, he just seemed to have trust issues. She quickened her pace as the clouds began to gather up in the sky. Up to now, the sky had been postcard-perfect, but it was changing. The beautiful cocktail-blue shade had begun to darken into a grey color, almost resembling the color of gravel. The sun had already begun to slowly set, causing the sky to change color.

Dullness took over the city, as she watched the first splatter of rain rush through the sky and hit the ground with great pressure. Hazel took shelter under an old oak, panicking slightly when she realized that the rain was increasing massively. Droplets of moisture began dripping from the leaves; the rain sprinkled over the city like a gardner's hose.

The rainfall eventually become more intense, making her panic even more. A wall of rain moved over the oak and the drumming of the rain against the ground made her shiver.

The area seemed deserted. There were no more people running for cover anymore, which left Hazel with one thing, and those were her thoughts. Loneliness took grasp, making her breathing hitch and quicken, she tried to remain calm, there was no fucking way that she'd be having a panic attack in the middle of a rainfall.

Despite the horrible weather, she found herself enjoying what surrounded her. And so, she observed, like she usually did. The roofs of vacant cars danced with the spray, the only sound heard was the constant pattering and drumming. So much rain fell that the sound soon blurred into one, long whirling noise. Eventually, the noise lessened and the drops faded into a musical chime.

Hazel was soaked from top to toe. Her wet clothes stuck onto her pale skin, making her feel colder than she already did. She watched as the rainfall lessened, then completely stopped. There was no way she'd be making it to her date on time.



idk i feel like my writing is so weird here i honestly dont even know??

i'll probably re-write this later but yeah hazel and luke just had a dance party!!11!1!1!1!1

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