Chapter 10

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"Malfoy, wait!"
Draco heard Hermione call out to him. He knew whatever it was wouldn't be good so he kept walking.
"Malfoy, stop!" Hermione called, panting as she tried to catch up to Draco's quick steps. "Don't make me hex you!" she added when he didn't stop.
Draco was in no mood for a scene today so he stopped. "I'd like to see you try," he said, still not turning around. He heard, rather than saw, Hermione finally arrive beside him. She was still breathing heavily.
"What do you want Granger?" Draco asked finally turning to look at her. "I don't have all day."
"I just – " Hermione took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. She stood up straight and looked at Draco. "I just wanted to thank you – for last night."
Draco didn't know what to say to that. He expected her to do something stupid and "noble" like thank him, which she did, but what caught him of guard again were her eyes. When she looked at him as she said that, he saw the vulnerability there. For a split second, all her defenses were down for him. That unnerved him so he did the only thing he knew how to do – he lashed out.
"Don't bother thanking me Granger, and don't ever mention it again either," he said with a menacing look. "Like I said, if I had known it was you, I would've let you fall." With that, he turned around and walked away.
He meant to say 'die' instead of 'fall' like he did last night but for some reason he choked on the word. What the hell was wrong with him?
Hermione watched him walk away. She didn't know what to think. Well, what exactly did she expect? For Malfoy to say 'You're welcome' and then for them to be best friends forever? She scoffed. Hardly. Well, at least she did what she had to do and Malfoy, well, Malfoy would always be Malfoy and for some reason, that didn't seem so bad. What the hell was wrong with her?
Hermione turned around to find a red blur attack her.
"Oh Hermione!" Ginny exclaimed after knocking the wind out of her friend. "Are you alright?" she asked, finally letting go.
"A little winded, but I think I'll be fine," Hermione said.
"You know that's not what I meant," Ginny said pouting.
"I'm fine Gin," Hermione sighed. "Really."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's fine Ginny. She deserved it."
"Don't say that!" Ginny exclaimed. "You should've gotten Head Girl! You know it, I know it, everyone in this school knows it. I knew that girl was trouble the moment I saw her. She is too perfect. It's not only annoying but it's a clear sign that she's hiding something. No one's that perfect, even if they were a Harrington." She said the last name with disdain.
"What did you mean by 'Harrington'?" Hermione asked emphasizing the name just as Ginny had.
"Oh, well, they're just like the Malfoys," Ginny said. "Not in a Death Eater, sort of way – at least I don't think so – but in an 'I'm a pureblood and I'm rich, therefore I'm better than everyone else' kind of way. Bill used to go out with one of Genevieve's cousins but he wasn't good enough for her family. They threatened to disown her if she stayed with Bill and they told Bill so. Lexy, whose real name was Alexandra, wanted to stay with Bill but he knew how much she loved her family so he let her go. He was so sad for months, and so was she. So, we don't have the greatest history with the Harringtons, or the other pureblood 'elites' for that matter."
"That's terrible. Well, I would pick the Weasleys any day over pureblooded snobs," Hermione said.
"Thanks Hermione," Ginny said smiling. "But seriously, are you sure you don't want me to hex her? A simple bat-bogey hex would be exactly what she deserves."
"Thanks Gin," Hermione said, laughing for the first time since everything fell apart. "You always know what to say. But no, like I said, Genevieve worked hard for the position too."
"Alright," Ginny said reluctantly. She gave Hermione another hug and turned serious. "Are you sure you're alright though? We were so worried when you disappeared last night."
"I just needed some time alone," Hermione explained, hoping Ginny would let it go. "Thanks for calming Harry down though. I really appreciate it."
"I figured you needed some time for yourself. I'm here if you ever need to talk though," Ginny said. "As for handling Harry," Ginny winked. "Don't worry about it, handling Harry is my specialty."
"Eww Ginny!" Hermione said laughing. "I really didn't need to hear that."
Ginny laughed. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I have to get back to class. I've been 'in the washroom' long enough. Wouldn't want people to think I had diarrhea or something."
Hermione laughed again. "Thanks Gin."
"Anytime," Ginny said walking away.
Hermione sighed. At least one more person cared about her. That thought put a smile to her lips.
Since she had free period next, Hermione had quite a bit of time before she had to go to another class. It was a beautiful, sunny day after the previous night's storm so Hermione decided to walk outside and pay Hagrid a visit.
"Hagrid?" Hermione called out, pushing the door to the hut open. Fang looked up at her from the fireplace. "Hey Fang, is Hagrid in?"
"Hermione?" Hagrid asked coming in through the door. He smiled when he spotted her. "I thought I heard your voice. I was in the back taking care of the skrewts. Take a seat."
"Would you like some tea?" Hagrid asked as Hermione made her way to a chair.
"Yes I would, thanks," Hermione answered.
"Now, how are ye?" Hagrid asked as he handed Hermione a cup and poured her some tea.
"I'm fine," she automatically replied.
"You don't look fine," Hagrid said matter-of-factly. Hermione was about to dispute this when he continued. "But I understand if you don't want to talk about it. Just know this 'Mione, I've known you long enough to know when something's not right."
"Thanks, Hagrid," Hermione said, relieved. She gave Hagrid a genuine smile.
Hagrid smiled back, then frowned. "'Tis a shame, it is. You should've gotten Head Girl. I dunno anyone, in this school or in the years before you, who deserved that more than you did. I know you may not want to talk about that but I had to give my two cents. I'll tell you what else. He may not seem like it to you just now but Dumbledore's a good man. It's just that, sometimes, there are some things he can't control. He had every intention of giving you Head Girl – I know that for a fact. Aside from your grades, you've done so much for this school and for the wizarding world. It's just the Board was part of the decision, too. You already know Lucius Malfoy is part of that, but there are other rich purebloods on there too. People who would rather die than honor a muggleborn. You can bet they were ecstatic when Genevieve came to the school. You got caught on a technicality. Despite Dumbledore pleading your case, the rules said that the decision would be made based on the OWLs and your performance in school. Even though you got the highest marks possible, Genevieve had taken one more course than you did and got high marks as well, which meant that technically, she did 'better' than you and thus should be head girl. I'm sorry Hermione."
The news stung. To think that despite her hard work, she was deprived of her goal simply because she was muggleborn. What would she have to do to prove that she belonged?! Well, at least it was nice to know that Dumbledore was on her side. It was also nice to have a concrete reason as to why she didn't get the position. Whoever said life was fair, right?
"Thanks Hagrid," Hermione said. "It's alright, really. Thanks for explaining things though. It helped a lot."
"No worries, Hermione," Hagrid said with a smile. They both looked at the clock. "I guess it's time for you to go to class huh?"
"Yeah," Hermione replied rising. "Thanks again Hagrid." She hugged him and left.
As she walked back towards the castle, she saw an owl flying towards her. It landed on her shoulder and held out a package. As soon as she untied it, the owl flew away. Curious, she untied the string on the wrapped package. As soon as she untied it however, the wrapping became undone by itself and rose in the air. Hermione was so startled she let go of the package, causing a box to fall to the ground. She was about to pick it up, when the wrapping in the air started talking, similar to a Howler.
"Hey Hermione!" the wrapping called out in what was unmistakably a Weasley twin's voice. The paper then ripped itself in two and both pieces started talking similar to how Fred and George themselves would talk.
"We heard – "
"The awful news –"
"Can't believe a Harrington became Head Girl instead of you."
"Madness, I say! Madness!" That brought a smile to Hermione's face.
"Don't worry about those old pricks in the Board – "
"You'll always be Head Girl to us!"
"And you know that we're the ones who really matter, right Gred?"
"That's right Forge."
"Since we can't be with you in your hour of need – "
"Because our business is booming – at least according to the ledger – "
"Thanks for that by the way."
"We love it!"
"Anyway, we decided to give you some of our love."
"Presenting..." At this point, the box on the ground started to open and various objects rose out of it.
"A Harrington voodoo doll." A small blond-haired doll floated to the forefront.
"It doesn't really work – "
"Because we know you're too nice to actually use it."
"So, instead, simply wind it up and it will bang its head repeatedly against the wall!"
"Blood will even gush out of its head if you let it go long enough – "
"Or just press the button if you can't wait."
"Our next item, is our Patented Daydream Charm – "
"Really has nothing to do with your situation – "
"But you can never have enough of those, especially in Binn's History class."
"Finally, the piece de resistance..."
"We present to you..."
"The Don't Look at Me Funny or I Will Smack You Upside the Head Pin!"
"We really should come up with a better name for that Forge."
"We really should."
"Sorry, Hermione, but you're the 1st person to try it – we still have to work on the marketing part."
"Anyway, to explain, simply attach the pin to your robes – "
"And anytime someone looks at you and thinks mean things or feels sorry for you, they'll – "
"Conveniently feel someone smacking them upside the head!"
"Brilliant isn't it?"
"We figured loads of stupid students must be staring at you now."
"This way, we can smack them upside the head even if we're not there!" Hermione's smile grew to a grin.
"Well, I think our work here is done."
"Hope you feel better 'Mione!"
With that, the wrapping disappeared in a puff of smoke. Hermione smiled again as she put the items back in the box. For the first time in weeks, she felt lighter. Harry, Ginny, Hagrid, Dumbledore, and now the twins – it was nice to know there were still people left who cared about her. With a wicked grin, she decided to put the Weasleys' pin on her uniform and make her way to class.
After an uneventful class, she was walking to the Great Hall for lunch when she was suddenly grabbed and pulled into an abandoned classroom. Whoever it was promptly locked the door and cast a silencing spell once Hermione was inside.
"Let me go!" Hermione screamed turning to face the person only to find it was Ron. "Don't you dare touch me!" she said wrenching her arm from his grasp. "I can't believe you have the gall – "
"Hermione," Ron interrupted with his palms up in a gesture of surrender. "I didn't pull you in here to fight. Listen, I just want – ". He paused. "I just want to say that... that I'm breaking up with you."
Hermione simply looked at him for a moment. Then she burst out laughing. Ron started to relax when her tone turned cold.
"You are breaking up with me?" Hermione asked in a sardonic voice.
"Listen, I know you saw us and you're upset but I just want to make sure we're all on the same page. I, well, I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to tell anyone and that –"
"Don't you dare patronize me Ronald! You want closure? You want to officially be able to go out with Genevieve? Fine! Here's your bloody closure! It's over – I'm breaking up with you because I fucking hate you and I never want to speak to you again!" With that, she turned around and reached for the doorknob. Just before turning it, she turned back to Ron and with a mocking tone she added, "Oh and don't worry about your reputation. I won't tell anyone how horrid you both are because unlike you, I don't go around trying to ruin other people's lives!"
As usual, Ron simply stood there open mouthed as Hermione walked out and slammed the door

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