Chapter 25

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"Hermione!" Sophie greeted when Hermione stepped through the door of the suite.
"Hey Sophie," Hermione said as she walked in and gave the girl a hug.
"Wow, you look really pretty."
"Thanks Sophie. Is your brother here?"
"He – "
"I'm right here," Draco answered as he walked into the room. He met Hermione's eyes. "She's right you know," he added. "You look beautiful."
Hermione blushed. "Thanks," she answered with a shy smile.
"Are you ready to go?" Draco asked.
"Yes," Hermione answered.
Draco leaned down to pick Sophie up in his arms. "You have to promise to be a good girl tonight ok?" Sophie nodded. "I got Dobby to make you your favourite dinner and some ice cream for dessert. I'll come see you tomorrow. Uncle Sev will come by later to tuck you in," At that Sophie beamed. "You have to be good and go to bed when he says ok? I don't want to hear about you making deals with Uncle Sev to change your bedtime again." Hermione could tell Draco was trying not to smile. "Are we clear?" Sophie nodded, her face turning serious but Hermione could detect a mischievous twitch in the corner of her mouth. "Alright, that's my girl," Draco murmured, holding Sophie tightly in a hug.
"Love you Drake," Sophie said returning the hug.
"Love you too Izzy," Draco said, letting her go with a kiss on the forehead.
As soon as she was down, Sophie turned to Hermione and gave her a big hug. "Goodnight Hermione."
"Goodnight Sophie," Hermione answered, affectionately ruffling the girl's hair.
"Be good," Draco reminded as he held out a watch – the watch that Hermione remembered they used as a Portkey the first time she left the castle with the Malfoys.
"Where are we going?" Hermione asked as she placed her hands on the watch.
"It's a surprise," Draco replied and Hermione felt the familiar tug on her navel as Sophie's suite fell away.
When Hermione opened her eyes, she found herself standing in the middle of a dark alley. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she noticed that they were in a small side street in what looked like a medieval town. Made of stone, the walls that were around her were definitely not modern and she could detect the sweet smell of flowers in the air. As the street sloped down, Hermione noticed more lights in the distance.
"Where are we?" she asked, sensing Draco beside her.
"I'll tell you when we get there," Draco replied, taking her hand in his. "Follow me."
They walked down small, twisted streets between quaint, old-fashioned houses. Flowers seemed to hang everywhere which explained the scent. They made their way closer to the lights Hermione saw, which she now presumed was the center square of the village. Just before they reached the main part, Draco led her away into another side street where they found a restaurant.
The door to the restaurant was small, not unlike the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron. It would be easy to miss if you didn't know it was there. The door opened just as they neared it, bathing the street in light for a moment as a couple stepped out. Hermione noticed a small sign hanging by the door with the words 'Restaurant de Philippe'.
Draco followed her gaze and laughed. "He's not very original," he said as he opened the door.
Original or not, Hermione had to admire whoever Philippe was. The restaurant was warm and pleasant, with a homey, comfortable feeling that made Hermione want to sigh in contentment. The smells coming from the kitchen were indescribable and Hermione's mouth started to water. As she looked around, she noticed that it was quite busy for such an unassuming place.
"Ahh Monsieur Malfoy!" A plump man with an apron made his way over to them with a big smile on his face.
"Bon soir Philippe," Draco greeted.
"Comment ça va?" Philippe asked as they shook hands.
Hermione started to reach for her wand to cast a translation spell when she felt Draco squeeze her hand to stop her.
"Oh! Et qui est la jolie fille?" Philippe exclaimed as he spotted Hermione. "Bon soir Mademoiselle."
Hermione tried to recall what little French she learned in primary school. "Bon soir Monsieur," she answered.
"Philippe!" One of the waiters called out and waved the owner over.
"Un moment s'il vous plait," Philippe told Draco and Hermione as he walked toward the waiter.
While he was gone, Draco pulled Hermione closer to him. Hiding his wand between them, Draco leaned in close, and whispered "Agnosco" in Hermione's ear. Whether she shivered because of the spell or because of Draco's closeness she didn't know.
"It looks like you're busy tonight Philippe," Draco said when Philippe returned. Thanks to the translation spell, Hermione could hear Draco speak in French but she could understand it as well as if he spoke the words in English.
"Ahh, yes, business is going well. But not to worry, I'm never too busy for you my friend. Follow me, I have the perfect table for you."
They followed Phillipe through the restaurant where he led them to a table in a quiet corner. A window by the table looked out into a bright, lively boardwalk below that bordered a body of water. Philippe handed them their menus and then left them to attend to his other customers.
"I should've warned you," Draco said. "Philippe is muggle, that's why I stopped you. Actually, the whole town is muggle."
Hermione was intrigued that Draco took her to a muggle town. "So I gather we're in France, but where exactly are we?"
"We're in Yvoire." At Hermione's questioning gaze, Draco elaborated. "It's a small village in southeastern France. Out there," he said, pointing at the water. "Is Lake Geneva. As you may have guessed from the name, Switzerland is on the other side."
Hermione was about to ask why he brought her here when Philippe returned to their table.
"Have you decided?"
Draco looked at Hermione questioningly.
"I'm not sure what to get. Any recommendations?" she asked Draco in French with the help of the spell.
"Everything's amazing here," Draco said.
"Don't listen to him," Philippe protested with a laugh. "He is much too kind. I only try my best."
Hermione smiled.
"Well if I'm choosing, I guess you know what we'll have then Philippe," Draco said with a smile handing him back the menus.
"Lavaret with Tartiflette it is then," Philippe said before walking back to the kitchen.
"I'm guessing you come here a lot?" Hermione asked.
"Remember how my Mother raised Sophie in France?"
Hermione nodded.
"Well, that's here," Draco explained. "Our villa is actually outside the village but this is the closest town. During the summer, we come here almost every night. Yvoire is usually full of tourists because of the lake so it's nice that we found this place. Only the locals really know about it." He looked over at the kitchen. "Philippe has become a good family friend. He's pretty much watched Sophie grow up. I swear he has a small crush on my mother," Draco said laughing.
After they finished the most delicious meal Hermione's ever had, Philippe returned to take their plates.
"Would you like some dessert?" he asked.
Draco looked at Hermione.
"No thank you," Hermione replied. "I don't think I can eat one more bite!"
"Ah, I see my cooking was not to your liking?"
"Oh no, that's not it at all," Hermione said quickly. "The meal was wonderful. I'm simply full. Your cooking is amazing!" She paused as she noticed Draco laughing. "What?"
"I'm merely kidding my dear," Philippe said, laughing as well at Hermione's attempt to make him feel better. "The fact that you finished the dish is a compliment in itself. Too many girls nowadays refuse to eat real food. She's a keeper this one," he said to Draco.
"Don't I know it," Draco replied.
"Well, I've packed some Frolanche for the road anyway. I put some in there for your sister, too. I know how much she loves them," Philippe said. "How is my little Sophie anyway? My kitchen's awfully boring when she's not around to help out. How's the move to England treating her? Looking at you both, I shudder to think of what English food is doing for a growing girl like Sophie. You should visit more. All of you need some proper food to put some more meat on your bones."
Draco laughed. "I'll certainly keep that in mind. Sophie's doing well. She'll definitely love the Frolanche. Thank you. I'll tell her you said hello."
"Tell your mother I said hello to her too," Philippe said.
"I will."
"Thank you so much for a wonderful meal," Hermione said.
"It was my pleasure Mademoiselle."
After settling their bill, Draco and Hermione said their goodbyes and left the restaurant.
"Do you want to go home now or do you feel like walking some of dinner off?" Draco asked Hermione.
"Walking sounds good."
Draco led Hermione further down the hill where they eventually hit the brightly lit boardwalk by the lake. Draco put his arm around her and Hermione leaned in close as they walked down a long dock that stretched into the lake. When they reached the end, Hermione leaned against the railing, admiring the breathtaking view. Various boats were floating near the dock while in the distance the lights of a Swiss town nestled in the foot of mountains blinked brightly against the night sky.
"It's beautiful out here," Hermione breathed in awe.
"I wanted to take you somewhere nicer but we would be recognized in England and – "
Hermione cut him off with a deep kiss. "This is perfect."
Draco smiled and pulled her closer. After a few moments, he noticed she was deep in thought.
"What are you thinking of?" he whispered.
Hermione turned to him. "Draco, what happened to Pansy?" In the emotional storm of the past few days, Hermione had completely overlooked the fact that Draco was still dating Pansy. After his previous statement, Hermione started thinking about the places he usually took his dates and thought of the Slytherin girl.
"I actually broke up with her," Draco replied.
"Really? When?" Hermione was shocked that he hadn't mentioned it to her.
"While you were gone," Draco answered. "When you left I was seriously messed up. I tried to hide it but even Pansy noticed how much I was moping and confronted me about it. I was exhausted at that point and I was in no mood to try and make her feel better. So I told her that maybe it would better for us to break things off."
"She must've been really upset," Hermione said.
"Actually, she took it rather well. On some level she recognized that we were both just pretending. She knew that our relationship was simply based on familial expectations." Hermione raised her eyebrow in disbelief. "Pansy's actually not that bad." Hermione's eyebrow went even higher. Draco continued. "She's snobby and prejudiced and she can be downright bitchy sometimes but it's not because she's inherently evil. It's just because that's what she was taught her whole life. Unlike me with my mother, no one's ever shown her that blood and status quo doesn't matter. Deep down though, she's got a good heart. I grew up with her and I've been friends with her for years. If you watch her interact with those she sees as her 'equals', you'd see she's actually a good friend. Anyway, when I told her we should just be friends she agreed with me. She actually wants the chance to be with someone she loves but she was willing to stick it out with me because that's what her family wanted her to do." Draco turned pensive. "The sad thing was, if I hadn't broken things off, she would've stayed with me no matter how unhappy it made her." He sighed. "That's Pureblood family loyalty for you."
"I guess everyone does have their issues," Hermione said, thinking of the girl she used to think was shallow and worried only about her hair.
"Anyway," Draco said cutting off her thoughts. "I don't want to talk about Pansy anymore. Let's talk about happier things."
"Like what?"
"Like this," Draco said as he tilted her face up and leaned down for a kiss.
They were making their way back down the boardwalk when a woman called Draco's name. She was in her mid-thirties or early forties, small but pretty with her brown hair pulled up in a bun. With her was a man of around the same age, tall and pleasant looking.
"Mme. Girard!" Draco exclaimed in recognition. "M. Girard," he said, turning to the man.
"I told you it was him!" Mme. Girard said, turning to her husband. She then proceeded to give Draco a hug. "How have you been my dear? What are you doing here this time of year?"
"Surely, you haven't been kicked out of school?" M. Girard asked laughing.
"There were a few close calls, but sadly, I'm still in school," Draco replied with a smile.
"Oh, and who is this lovely young lady?" Mme. Girard asked after noticing Hermione. "It looks like we've interrupted you're evening," she told Draco with a wink.
"This is Hermione Granger," Draco introduced her. "Hermione, this is Mme and M. Girard."
"Aline please," Mme. Girard said, extending her hand warmly to Hermione. "And this is my husband Sebastien. We're Draco's neighbours." After Sebastien shook hands with Hermione, his wife continued. "I'm sorry for interrupting your night. We just haven't seen Draco in so long and since his mother and Sophie moved, we've kind of missed them."
"That's alright," Hermione replied. "We were on our way back anyway."
"How long are you here for? Are you staying in the villa dear?" Aline asked Draco.
Hermione realized that the couple must be muggle too since they didn't consider the thought of apparition.
"Yes," Draco replied.
"Well, we're on our way back as well. We could give you a ride," Sebastien offered.
Draco looked at Hermione. "Actually we were just going to take a taxi – "
"Nonsense," Aline protested. "We can drive you home. And you must come over for some coffee so we can catch up and also get to know Hermione better. That is," she turned to Hermione. "If you don't mind."
Hermione looked at Draco who shrugged. "Not at all," Hermione answered with a smile. She had taken an instant liking to the friendly couple and Draco seemed so at home with them she wanted to give them time to catch up.
Hermione opened her eyes to find herself in a strange room. After a few moments, she became aware of Draco's breathing beside her and felt his arm around her. The memories of last night came flooding back to her and she let a smile spread across her face. Feeling the need to stretch, Hermione carefully moved Draco's arm so she could sit up, using part of the sheets to keep her covered. As her eyes adjusted to the sunlight coming through, she took in the details of room, as well as the mess, before her eyes landed on the sleeping figure of the man who helped her make said mess.
After being dropped off by the Girards, Draco suggested that he give her a tour of the villa before returning to Hogwarts since they were there anyway. Letting her curiosity get the better of her, Hermione agreed. Luckily, Draco's bedroom was the last stop of the tour because the beautiful house was forgotten after that. Hermione inwardly laughed. She wouldn't have been surprised if Draco had planned it that way.
Hermione smiled softly as she watched him sleep. She had never seen him look this peaceful and the sight made her catch her breath. He rarely let his guard down for anyone and she felt privileged anytime he did it around her. He looked like a completely different person at times like this. Like this Draco was made just for her. Her Draco. The thought made heart race. She still couldn't believe that he –
"I know I'm ridiculously good-looking but could you please go back to bed?" Draco murmured, still with his eyes closed.
Hermione shook her head. She turned to lean over him. "I'm sorry to say this but it's time to get up," she whispered in his ear.
"No," Draco answered, still with his eyes closed.
"Get up," Hermione said softly, kissing his forehead.
Draco shook his head.
She kissed his closed eyelid. "Up."
He refused to move.
"No?" she asked, kissing his other eye.
"Alright then, I'm just gonna have to try harder," Hermione whispered, her lips moving down over his nose, toward his lips. "Draco," Hermione breathed, her lips ghosting over his.
Draco made his move but Hermione pulled away at the last second, leaving him no choice but to follow and sit up so he could capture her lips with his.
"You don't fight fair," he said with a pout when they broke for air.
"I learned from the best," Hermione replied with a smirk.
Draco smiled as he took in her tousled hair, flushed cheeks, and the thin sheet that barely covered her form. With the sunlight illuminating her from behind, he had never seen anything more beautiful. She looked like a breathtaking angel. His angel.
"What are you looking at?" Hermione asked.
"You're beautiful," he breathed.
With a smile of her own, she pulled him closer to her once more.
"Nice try," she said after a few moments. "I wish we could stay here forever but we really do need to go. No one knows where I am and I have to get back before people start to wake up." Hermione got off the bed and made her way to the bathroom.
Draco dropped his head back onto the pillows with a sigh. "Why does she have to be so logical?"
"Where have you been?"
Hermione quietly entered the Gryffindor common room, only to find Harry already waiting for her.
"I barely saw you after dinner last night and then Ginny wakes up to find your bed empty."
"I was at the lib –"
"Don't tell me you were at the library all night Hermione, you're way too dressed up for it," Harry interrupted. "Do you think I'm stupid?"
"No Harry, but –"
"This is not the first time it's happened," Harry continued, interrupting Hermione once more. "What the hell is going on?"
Hermione had enough. She just had one of the best nights of her life and she wasn't going to let Harry ruin it. "Merlin, Harry! I didn't know I had to report every move I made to you! Who made you the boss of my life? And Ginny, I never thought – "
"Don't take this out on her, she was just trying to help!" Harry retorted.
"Well, if ambushing me and interrogating me is your idea of help, I don't want it."
"I'm sorry for caring, Hermione," Harry said scathingly. "But I'm your best friend. I know you've been through a lot this year but that's no reason to alienate us –"
"You alienated me first!" A moment too late, Hermione realized her mistake.
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, breaking the silence.
"Nothing," Hermione answered. "I appreciate your concern but it's early and it's Saturday and I'm quite tired so I'm just going to head up to my room – "
"No," Harry declared. "We're going to talk about this now. I'm tired of whatever this is between us. This ends now. So, what exactly are you not saying?"
Harry waited. "I'm going to need more than a name Hermione."
"Fine! You want to hear it all? Here it is! Ever since she came into this school, it's been nothing but Genevieve this and Genevieve that. I'm used to being ignored by everyone else but I never thought my best friends would do the same to me. But you did. You joined her little fan club the moment she walked in. But that I could've handled, if only it stopped there."
"What are you – "
"I had to be attacked by a fucking troll before you and Ron would even consider becoming friends with me! All Genevieve had to do was swish her hair and bam! She was part of the inner circle. Suddenly, she knew all about Voldemort and horcruxes and the Order. Suddenly she was spending Christmas with you and helping you save the world – all without me."
"But you were busy all the time and –"
"No, Harry. We both know that's a pathetic excuse. I've been busy before and you've always found time, always made sure I was part of things. Remember third year? I needed a time turner for Merlin's sake! Still, I was with you the whole time. But that's just it, isn't it? This whole problem started way before Genevieve. You and Ron have always had this little club and no matter how hard I tried, I could never get in. There were times when I felt like nothing more than an encyclopedia you carried around. A resource you kept in your pocket, something you made sure was with you at all times in case you needed help with homework, with Voldemort, with life. Over the years you've grown attached to it, so much so that you feel like you'd be lost without it but at the end of the day, it's still nothing more than a book. And then when Genevieve came, well, I guess you didn't need me anymore, did you?"
"That's not true – "
"Really Harry? Tell me, when was the last time we had a conversation that didn't revolve around you? When was the last time we had a real conversation, period? When did you ever help me with something?"
"That's not fair! You – "
"Harry – "
"Shut up and let me speak!" Harry's outburst stunned Hermione into silence. Harry took a deep breath before continuing. "You had your say, now let me have mine." He paused. "You are being completely unfair. I honestly do care about you. I don't know what you're issue is but I never, for a moment thought that you were anything less than my sister. You're my best friend for Godric's sake! I'm sorry that I made you feel otherwise and I'm sorry I let Genevieve come between us but don't ever accuse me of not caring. You don't think I want to help you? You've always been there for me. You don't think I want to be there for you? Hermione, I'd do anything in the world for you. But you put yourself on this pedestal and it's like no one can touch you. You're always the strong one and you make everyone believe that everything is fine. You built this fortress around you and you won't let anyone in. Believe me, I've tried. Yeah, I've been self-absorbed more times than I can count but there were times when I saw that something was clearly bothering you no matter how hard you tried to hide it. Especially this year. But every time I ask you about things, you shut me down. You evade my questions and try to placate me instead. I know you better than you think and what I don't understand is why you can't let me in. So don't accuse me of not caring about you. Relationships work both ways. I can't listen to you if you won't talk to me. I can't help you if you won't let me."
Hermione was speechless. Harry had a point. In all her angst-ridden musings she never once considered her own role in the demise of her friendships. Over the years, she knew she had to be strong for Harry but she never thought that she was shutting him out in the process. Wearily, Hermione sat down and put her head in her hands. All this thinking was giving her a headache.
"So I'm going to try one more time."
Hermione looked up to find Harry sitting across from her holding her gaze.
"Where were you this morning?"

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