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When will woke up that day, Nico had already left the house, Will made some breakfast for himself, and cleaned up around the apartment before he had to go to work.

When he came back late in the afternoon, everything was exactly like he left it, no sign of Nico at all.
This worried Will slightly, his mind coming up with all kinds of scenarios about what could have happened to Nico.

When someone knocked on the door he jumped up from where he was sitting at the table and rushed to open the door, expecting Nico.
"Why were you gone for so long, I was..." Will said before looking up and seeing it wasn't Nico.

"Ah, sorry, I thought you were my roommate." Will quickly stammered out.

"Are you will solace?" the person asked?

"Why do you care?" Will looked at the man suspiciously.
He was a tall man with Asian features, and he had an air of authority around him.

"You are under the protection of Freeze, the hero right?"
Will looked up at that, he was talking about Nico.

"What do you want?"

"I have been ordered to pick you up and bring you to HQ."

"How do I know you're not a villain here to kidnap me or something?"

"I don't have time for this, I just have to take you to HQ, either you come with me willingly, or I kidnap you and bring you there, your choice."

Will sighed, "I have already been kidnapped and brought to HQ often enough, I'll come with you."
He quickly locked the apartment and followed the man.

When they arrived at the headquarters, the man led him through a maze of hallways, finally stopping to knock on a door and walking away.

"Come in!"
Will quickly opened the door and stepped inside.

"Ah, yes, Will, right?"
He didn't say anything and just nodded.

Sitting behind a desk was a woman with blond hair, and intelligent grey eyes, seemingly analyzing everything around her.
Will thought for a moment before he recognized her, Big Owl.

"Please, sit down." She motioned at a chair on the other side of the desk.

"Why did you bring me here?"
Will said, sitting down hesitantly, ready to bolt out of the room any second.

"It's about the hero assigned to you, Freeze." Will looked at her intently.
"He has been badly wounded on his latest mission."

"He's not... dead, right?"

"Luckily, no."

Will sighed in relief.
"So, why am I here then?"

"Even though he is not dead, he is still hurt, and can't leave his bed for the coming week at least.
You still need to be protected, so as a solution we will have you stay here untill he can protect you again."

"May I see him?"

Big Owl nodded, "I will get someone to escort you there." She pressed a button on the side of her desk, a minute later someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"
The door was opened and the same man from before stood in the opening.
"Beast, I want you to take Will here to the medical wing."
The man nodded and waited for will to stand up, leading him through the maze again, and opening some double doors.

When will looked inside he saw long rows of neatly kept beds. When Will noticed Nico in the back of the room, he ran over to him, almost tripping a few times.

"Nico..." Will whispered when he came to the side of his roommate.

Nico open his eyes a little, looking at Will.

"What happened to you? I was so worried."

Nico looked down in shame at that.

"It was the Alchemist again, he had somehow found out about me mistaking you for him. And all of the other mistakes I have made in the past.
He was taunting me, having a hunch of copies of him all around me, he made me so mad that I didn't care about anything anymore.
I was just attacking, I would have hurt my teammates..."
Nico stayed silent for a moment, letting a single tear roll down his cheek.

"When the real Alchemist finally appeared, I was too mad to notice that he threw a fire spell at me. It hit me right in the chest, engulfing me in the explosion.
I passed out from that spell, allowing him to get away again."
Nico was crying silently now.

Will gently cupped his face and wiped away his tears.
"Nico, look at me."
Nico looked up into Will's eyes.
"You are going to be fine, that's all that matters. The alchemist will pop up again eventually, you can still capture him."

Nico seems more hopefull and stopped crying, looking up at Will.

"I care so much about you Neeks, I didn't realize it untill you didn't come home today, but I care so much about you.
Please just be careful when you go on missions."

Nico didn't say anything in return, just relaxing instead.

Will sat down on a chair next to his bed.
"I suppose this is where we'll be for the coming week."

A/N: Hey peoples!
So, Will may or may not have some feeling for Nico.
But how does Nico feel about Will?
You'll find out when I manage to get the next chapter up.
Have a nice day further! I love you all!

A Paranoid Hero and a Suspicious Face (solangelo)Where stories live. Discover now