Wedding Toasts

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(A/N: canon divergence like for real.  No usage of steroids on the part of the Warblers.  And Rachel comes back to recover the Nationals trophy, jsyk)

"First up ladies and gentlemen, the Man of Honor would like to say a few words

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"First up ladies and gentlemen, the Man of Honor would like to say a few words. Mr Hummel, take it away."

Kurt rises from his seat next to Blaine to take the microphone from the DJ. Nervously he moves to the center of the dance floor and turns around to face the newlyweds.

"Hey everyone, you all know me. Kurt Anderson-Hummel, fashion designer and married to Rachel's Broadway costar Blaine Anderson. But Rachel and I have been friends for a really long time. Like a really, really long time.  I still remember the first time I saw her in a wedding dress.  She looked radiant, but not nearly as radiant as she does today of course.  True Love does that to you I suppose."

Rachel's shoes can be heard pacing the floor even from outside the room as Kurt knocks on the closed door.

'Rach are you ready?  Everyone is waiting...'

When the door opens and Kurt catches sight of her, in the otherwise empty room of the Lima County Court House, 18 years old and looking breathtakingly ethereal in a demure white wedding dress.

His breath catches in his throat as he murmurs out a soft 'you look amazing

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His breath catches in his throat as he murmurs out a soft 'you look amazing....'

But her words, or more specifically her tone and the meaning behind them, don't quite match up with the smile on her face as she gives off a small sigh and sets the bouquet on a nearby table.

'Kurtsie, Quinn's not here yet.  She's not answering any of my calls.  And who is to say he won't wander again?  Finn's not really.... he's just not really all that reliable.  And it's a courthouse.  I always imagined my wedding day, something really special.  Surrounded by all my friends and family.  Grand ballroom with dancing.  I'm not sure that I'm ready for this now.  Not here.  Or like this. And really, I guess, not with him.'

A hushed silence falls over the room as Kurt pauses in his story.  His eyes focusing for just a beat on his step brother Finn, seated at a table with some of their other former glee clubbers. His arm slung around the back of his obviously pregnant wife Jessica's chair.

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