New Rules

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(Based on 'New Rules' by Dua Lipa)

** My love, he makes me feel like nobody else
But my love, he doesn't love me
So I tell myself, I tell myself **

Rachel is wrapped up in her comforter, biting her lip and nursing a cup of tea on the fire escape when Kurt finds her.

She's shivering slightly, staring out a the city, still misty in the early morning light. His voice causes her to jump, startling her out of her thoughts.

"Rach, what are you doing sitting outside like this. You've got to be freezing."

He holds his hand out to her to help her back through the window. Wincing as her ice cold hand touches his.

She whispers in reply, "Hey Kurt. I really needed to think and I didn't want to do anything to wake him.  Not yet at least."

Kurt narrows his eyes as she gets settled down on the couch, turning back to close the window before getting situated next to her.  "Sebastian's here again?!  Why do you keep doing this to yourself Rachel?  You're a smart girl yet you keep letting him walk all over you.  Using you for sex."

Rachel clutches the mug painfully in her hands as her eyes well up with tears. "I love him, Kurt. What else am I supposed to do."

** One, don't pick up the phone
You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone**

She knows it the second she gets the phone call at 10:45 on a Sunday night, even before his slurred words hit her ears. Sebastian's drunk, again.

"My Broadway Baby!! I..... I miss you...... need you...."

Rachel has to put a finger in her other ear to be able to hear him clearly, through the din of the club that is flowing around behind him.

She sighs heavily, "Bastian, where are you?? It's late and we have class tomorrow."

The music on his end cuts off abruptly, he must have stepped outside. His voice is clearer as she hears a car door open and him mumbling something to the driver.

"Bastian?? What are you doing?"

He whisper speaks into the phone, words still slurred some but full of promise, of sex and sensuality.

"Broadway Baby, I'm commin' over now and gonna rock your little world. Just let me in, Rachie. Please...."

** Two, don't let him in
You'll have to kick him out again**

Rachel is still staring at the phone in her hands, robe pulled tightly around her body when the buzzer rings 15 minutes later.

She tries to talk herself out of it but ultimately ends up opening the door up.  Knocked practically breathless by the drunk, but still undeniably handsome personage of Sebastian standing in front of her.  Looking even more roguishly attractive backlit and in front of the maroon colored hallway backdrop.

Cocky swagger and a wink as he passes her, only slightly unsteady on his feet

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Cocky swagger and a wink as he passes her, only slightly unsteady on his feet. Quick to wrap his arms around her, working to loosen the closure of her robe.

Lips on hers as he kisses her desperately, nimble fingers working to rid her of any clothing before they are even out of the living room.

And the faint taste of tequila on his lips, the smell on his breath as he murmurs intoxicatingly in her ear.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good Berry....  so good...."

** Three, don't be his friend
You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning**

'Rach, wanna come over?  We could watch a movie and order Thai.  I need your help with my theater homework.... please???'

"....okay so I told him no, that wasn't going to be good enough. We needed the linens in chartreuse not olive."

Kurt sets his tea cup down and narrows his eyes at Rachel as she darkens her phone and begins to pack up the belongings she had scattered around the table they had been sharing at the cafe.

"Rachel, where are you off to in such a hurry?  I thought you were free tonight."

She looks at him sheepishly, as blush climbing up her cheeks as she murmurs out a response.  Standing and swinging her bag over her shoulder.

"A little louder, Rach.  Remember, projection is key for the stage."

Rachel sighs and looks Kurt straight in his blue eyes, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"I'm going over to Seb's apartment. He wants my help with his assignment for his Theater class. And I'm staying for dinner."

Kurt's jaw drops and he stares at her as she starts to leave.  Spitting out a retort to her before she is too far away.

"When are you going to learn?  He's just using you for sex!"

Rachel waves off his response and heads out the door.  Promptly flagging down a cab and giving them the address to Sebastian's Upper West Side apartment.

He's her friend and asking for her help.  Why wouldn't she go to him?

** And if you're under him
You ain't getting over him**

"So that's what your professor meant by it...."

Rachel gasps as Sebastian leans forward, pressing his lips firmly to a spot just below her ear and sucking on it hard. Her eyes roll back in her head and she tries to keep her composure as he blows softly across the now tender spot.

Sebastian......... stop......

His normally blazing emerald eyes are a deep forest green as he pushes his book and the remnants of their Thai takeout aside. Crawling over to her, lips on hers as he pins her to the couch.

"Now I know you didn't come all this way to just talk classwork, Berry. Because I can't concentrate when you're wearing such a tiny skirt.

** I keep pushin' forwards
But he keeps pullin' me backwards
(Nowhere to turn, no way)
(Nowhere to turn, no)
Now I'm standing back from it
I finally see the pattern
(I never learn, I never learn)
But my love, he doesn't loves me
So I tell myself, I tell myself**

Rachel lies awake, glancing at the ceiling in the darkened bedroom of a posh Upper West Side apartment. Sebastian, her boyfriend....

No he's not her boyfriend, no matter how much she wants him to be.

Sebastian Smythe, the boy with the green eyes who she pines over, who she loves body, mind and soul lays asleep next to her.

She whispers to the room, knowing he isn't awake to hear her.

I love you, Sebastian Smythe. Why can't you see that??

But what they have isn't love. Not for him. For him, they're just friends who fuck.

The end.

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