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Baby I miss you... WE miss you... when are you coming home??

Sebastian Smythe sighs as he rereads the text message from his wife, gazing forlornly at the attached photo of little Marius (named masterfully as a compromise between his own French heritage and his wife's love of all things Broadway related) for...

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Sebastian Smythe sighs as he rereads the text message from his wife, gazing forlornly at the attached photo of little Marius (named masterfully as a compromise between his own French heritage and his wife's love of all things Broadway related) for what seems like the millionth time since she sent it off.

Sitting at the bar of the Chicago hotel his company has him holed up at for the past week he swirls the whiskey around in his glass as he thinks up an apt response.  He's been dying to come home but the stupid merger they have him orchestrating is just taking far too long for his liking.

Just as he settles upon a response ('Mon Amour, I know.  I miss you both so very much.  Give Marius tout l'amour et les baisers de papa.  I'm aiming to be back by the weekend.  Skype when I get back to my room 💞💞💞💞') when a breathy voice draws his attention to the left. And the tall leggy blonde who now occupies the seat next to his.

"I've been watching you for the last half hour you know. Looking so handsome but heartbreakingly sad sitting all alone. Maybe spend some time with me tonight? I'll cheer you up...."

Sebastian can't help the blush that slightly colors his cheeks at her words.  He's flattered really.


Not in the slightest.

In one fell swoop he downs the rest of the whiskey he had been toying with and sets the glass back on the bar top.  Turning in his chair as he pockets his cell phone he finally addresses the blonde.

"As interesting as that sounds, I'm gonna have to pass. Now if you'll excuse me."

He stands from his seat and tries to move past her but her impeccably manicured hand comes out to wrap around his forearm, stopping any forward progress in its tracks.

She flashes him a smile as she bats her overly mascaraed eyelashes at him, still trying to gain his attention and time.

"Aw, but we were just getting acquainted Cutie Pie.  Stay with me, one more drink.  My treat...  Name's Yvette.  What's yours Handsome??"

He reaches with his other hand to pry her fingers off his arm with a quick shake of his head.  "Once again, I'm NOT interested."

The blonde, this Yvette, puts on a pout as Sebastian again tries to maneuver his way out of the bar area.  She gets up out of her own chair and proceeds to follow him back into the hotel lobby.

"What's your hurry Handsome?  Its not like you're here with anyone.  I've been watching you since you walked into the bar.  I know you're here alone.  So just come back inside with me and have a drink.  We'll talk, I'll make it worth your while...."

He stalks through the lobby spinning around to face her just shy of the bank of elevators. His voice loud enough that it carries throughout the room. Thrusting his hand, his left hand in the air so that his rose gold wedding band glitters brightly in the light.

"How many times do I need to explain this to you?? I'm NOT interested!! I'm a HAPPILY MARRIED FATHER. I don't need your company. I don't want to sit and have a drink with you. I just want to go back to my room and call my WIFE and my SON. So find someone else to bother!!"

And with that he spins on his heel, punching the call button on the elevator his cell phone already pressed to his ear.

As the doors open the call is picked up on the other end.

'Bastian?? I thought you were going to Skype when you got back to your room.'

He smiles widely as the doors slide shut in front of him. Leaving the annoying woman down in the hotel lobby.

'Broadway, I missed you too much to wait. I'm heading up now...'

(This was inspired by the song in the header. I hope you guys like it. ❤️ Shann)

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