He Was My Cream, I Was His Coffee

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(Sequel to 'How Long....?' All flashbacks are in italics)

'We broke up. He cheated on me. With Rachel. Go ahead and gloat.'

'Kurt.... I'm sorry. Really I am. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better??"'

'Just sit with me. Please??'


"...so then Britts told Frodo McCheater that he was no longer a dolphin just another smelly old fish for what he did to you. The look on his face was PRICELESS!! He looked like she verbally kicked him in his itty, bitty, child's sized penis. And Man Hands pulled him into one of her epic storm outs. It was really hysterical to see Britt do all of that with a straight face and the cute little tilt of her head that she does. You really should have been there."

Kurt nods in her direction.  Not really paying attention as his phone buzzes in the pocket of his charcoal fitted blazer.

Santana is still talking as he pulls it out, smiling when he sees the name lighting up the screen.

".....Lady Face, you're ignoring me again!  I don't likes to be ignored!"

Kurt looks up in surprise as he sets his phone, face up on the table between them.

"Tana, I'm so sorry. What were you saying again?"

The Latina launches back into her extensive story, transitioning from Britney's telling off of Blaine and Rachel to the latest antics of her fat cat Lord Tubbington.  When Kurt's phone buzzes again from its spot on the table, screen lighting up brightly.

"...so I was telling her that I'm pretty sure her cat WASN'T stealing her socks.  Cause they DO get lost in the wash sometimes but she just kept insisting and insisting.  And wouldn't you know, we found some unmatched ones hidden in his scratching tower thing.  Like what even was that?! So, anyway....  um Kurt?  You gonna get that?"

He waves his hand dismissively.

"If it were important, he'd call. Continue Tana. What happened with the socks?"

"You better not have made up with The Hobbit so easily!"

Santana raises an eyebrow and she leans forward to read the name lit up on the cellphone.  Then pulls back with a gasp when she reads it.  Coupled with the contact photo.


"Why are you talking to FIVEL THE EVIL CHIPMUNK?! And who gave him the right to look hot in a photo??"

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"Why are you talking to FIVEL THE EVIL CHIPMUNK?! And who gave him the right to look hot in a photo??"

Kurt chuckles some as he swipes to read the message.

Dude, you ignoring me??
Come on Kurt...
Lima Bean, 20mins
I'll buy.
We can discuss revenge tactics
Like shoving my lacrosse stick up his ass
Or... I can put something up yours...


He sigh, "It's a long story..."


Sebastian doesn't pull his hand away once Kurt laces their fingers together, even though every inner warning system he has tells him to. In fact he kinda likes it, Hummel has really smooth skin. Like suede.

He doesn't want to think about that fact, that he's starting to like holding Kurt's hand. So instead he takes a sip of his latte.

"What exactly happened? You said he cheated, with Rachel??"

Kurt nods and launches into a sad retelling of the tale that Finn told him from opening night. Both of them taking breaks to drink their coffees as Sebastian occasionally interjects comments.

"I still can't get over it! With a girl...... Anderson. With a girl..."

"I know. Its ridiculous! And he NEVER denied it. Like at all."

Sebastian shivers in horror as he finishes off the last dregs of his latte. He goes to stand and motions his empty cup at Kurt.

"Want another??"

Kurt nods and Sebastian is off like a shot, not even asking what he is drinking. Then he's back, in a flash, two cups in his hands as he sit back in his seat.

Kurt gasps as he sips from the cup that he was given, all while Sebastian tries not to smile behind his own.

"You know my coffee order?!"

All Sebastian can do is wink as a faint blush at being caught creeps up his cheeks.


"So that's how it first started... And well, we've been meeting up lately. For coffee and to talk. Sometimes just to like read or do homework in each other's presence. Please don't judge me."

Santana is almost speechless as she just stares at him across the table from her in the library. 

"Say something...  please..."

She gives off a low whistle, pushing Kurt's things back to him.  Urging him to pack up his supplies. 

"That's Wanky, Porcelain.  You go gets your smarmy Warbler.  Make Mama proud!!"

Kurt roles his eyes as he puts his things in his messenger bag and heads to the Lima Bean to meet Sebastian.


Sebastian checks his watch for what must be the hundredth time. He's not a patient person.  Not at all. 

He sighs and taps his fingers on the table top as he picks up his own latte to take a sip.  The other cup on the table, a non-fat no-whip extra hot mocha is regrettably no longer of the extra hot variety. 

Heels clicking on the linoleum floor draws his attention just as the pale, blue eyed boy folds himself into the empty seat across from him at the table.

"You're late!  Your drink is no longer extra-hot, and it's all your fault."

Kurt sighs softly and puts on an innocent face, cocking his head to the side.

"I'm so sorry Bas.  I didn't mean to...  but hey, you're still extra hot sitting here. Weren't we supposed to be talking about putting something up my ass??"

The surprise on his face only lasts a second before it is replaced the patented Smythe smirk.

"I thought you'd never ask, Princess."

The end.

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