Chapter Four : Twin Moons

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I actually got writers block and I'm writing this the night before I'm supposed to update. Soo I'm sorry if this is shitter than usual. I don't really have time to go through and edit like I usually try and do, soooo.

Ps. I'm struggling sooo hard this will be up later than usually cause I can't write and ughhhhhh help me. I'm soooo sorry you guys, girls, and non-binary plans. Just give me a little time and it should be finished soon!! It's literally the of and I got sick yesterday sooo.... argh.

There's a little better of an explanation of why it took forever for me to update. But anyway I hope you enjoy reading and on with the chapter!!

[Levi's POV]

Mikasa and I talked for what seems like forever, and surprisingly, Eren just sat there. He didn't say another word, but it looked like he was about to cry at any moment. Something about his facial features made me want to hug him and tell him it was okay. It was almost as if I had seen his face somewhere before, but it wasn't his face. I decided to shrug it off. "I'm getting on the plane now, I- I'll see you in a couple hours, yeah?" Mikasa asked. "Yeah, of course you will." I say back into the phone. "Bye, Levi." "Goodbye, Mikasa." After saying that, it feels like a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. Like I was finally free. I sat there a moment with the phone still pressed to my ear, she would be here by tomorrow... my little sister. I lowered my hand and then handed the phone to Eren. I didn't know what it was but I felt like I was in a little bit of shock. I didn't know if it was because I talked to her, or that she was alive, or that she was going to be here tomorrow. But there was an emotion I could recognize briefly through the jumble of them, happiness. I was happy. It was an unusual feeling, although I had felt this feeling before.When I was around Izzy, I smiled all the time. This is a different kind of happiness... a happiness I haven't felt in a long time. I looked up to see Eren getting up and starting to walk away, his blonde friend following him. I reacted so fast I didn't have time to stop myself, I reached out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him in his place. "Can I... Can I wait with you?" He paused and looked at me, "Sure!" He said, but I could see the sadness in his eyes. I could only imagine what he was thinking and how he feels. "Thank you." I say and look back at Izzy. "Come on, we have to go." She nods and stands up. Then the reality of this incident puts a smile on her face. "Your the Eren Jaeger!" She practically shouts. He laughs a little, "I am." "I have so many questions!" Izzy says waking right beside him. "Well, what do you want to know?" He asks. "You'll actually answer my questions?" Izzy looks at him puzzledly. "Sure!" Eren smiles at her. "Well first of all, where did you grow up?" Izzy asks. "Oh! I grew up in Germany in the city! I won't say exactly where because my parents still live there." Izzy nodded. "Do you have any siblings? I mean besides Mikasa?" "I did... I mean well I do, but I- I can't remember what she looks like. I've only ever seen one picture of her, it was a very long time ago." Izzy nodded. "I see... I'm sorry I didn't know. One last question, how old are you?" She asked. "It's okay. I'm 19 and starting my first year of college this year." He smiled at her again. She nodded and looked down as we walked to, what I assume to be, his room. "Armin, stay here with them for a little while would you? I'm going to book Mikasa and Annie's room, along with yours and Erwin's." Eren says and walks out after Armin nods. I look at Armin, "Who's Annie?" I ask him and he looks shocked and then responds. "It's Mikasa's wife... Mikasa's the newest edition to the Leonhardt family." I look at him, "Mikasa has a wife...?" I looked down at my feet and I laughed, I laughed a real laugh. "Well I guess I knew that, she'd always liked girls more from the beginning. I guess it's true that twins think alike." I smiled. Izzy looked at me as if I'd gone crazy, "What do you mean Big-Bro?" She asked. "Well, Mikasa has liked girls since the beginning. In Kindergarten Mikasa had a crush on a girl named Nanaba." I say and smile, remembering how she used to talk about her. Izzy smiled, "I can't wait to meet your sister..." Her smile fades and she looks down at her feet. "You're my sister too Izzy, I grew up with you, remember?" I say and grab her hands. She nods and smiles a little, Armin smiles. Then Izzy looks at him, "I feel like I've see you somewhere before..." she studies him. "I'm Armin Arlert, Eren's manager. I book all his shows and stuff like that." Armin says a little embarrassed. "That's where I know you from! Your one of Eren's best friends, you appear a lot in vlogs that he posts." "Yeah he insists that I show up in at least a couple of videos a month." Armin smiles. Armin then looks at me, "I never did get your guys names." He says. "I'm Levi," I say. "I'm Isabelle!" She says with a smile on her face. "Well it's nice to meet the both of you." Then we hear the door squeak open. "I'm back~!" Eren walks to Armin and hands him one card holder with two cards in it. "I'm assuming Erwin will want one as well." Eren says.


Later that night we were all sitting in Eren's room, playing bored games. I wasn't 100% sure what time it was, but I knew it was after 11:00 PM. Eren sighed and got up. "If this is room service again..." He mutters and looks through the peephole. He looks at me. "It's for you." I get up and walk to the door, I'm kind of nervous. I open the door to reveal my sister.


We say at the same one and hug one another.

"I would prefer it if you didn't touch my woman." A gruff voice said and I looked to see a girl with white-blonde hair, and light, sharp blue eyes.

"You must be Annie."

Aaaa I want to say thank you guys so much for putting up with my book BS cause life is crappy right now and I'm really sick. I might go deaf... and to be completely honest that thought scares me. My great-great-great grandpa was deaf and he said he struggled with a lot of stuff like not being able to listen to music anymore. I don't know, but I'm soooo sooo sorry this chapter is late, I honestly couldn't of anything to write and I'm trying to take this slow but I want to get passed the sad parts and focus on a time in the story where everything's happy. Sooooooo argh I don't know what to do and I don't want to rush anything because then this book is going to suck and I don't want that. This chapter will also  be shorter than all the others. I do humbly apologize for the wait, I'll try and get the next two chapters done as soon as possible so you won't have to wait like this again.

Never forget,

I love you all.


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