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"ahhh im finally in high school." I said trying to fing my way around the school. I saw a few of my old friends who at first did not recognized me. In middle school I used to were really big long shirts and pants that made me look like my body had no shape or form. My hair was always in big braids or cornrows. But now, my clothes were tight, a little too tight actually, and my hair was in a nice big messy bun with a half bang. The first person I saw was Katherine, she was talking to Brianna and Nancy about me. But I pretended not to hear as a approached them.

Me: hi you guys.

They looked at each other as if giving some type of secret signal or something.

Katherine: um hi, can I help you.

Me: well I thought you guys can help me find my first period teachers class its room 215 and I went in and out of the 200 building but I cant find it can you gu-"

Nancy: lemme stop ya right there. Do we look like ya made or sum. See kathy and bri ain't got the guts to tell it to ya like it is so ill do it. Look we were friends in middle school but we not in middle school no moe so find sum new friends bitch.

I was shattered, I felt like running to the bathroom and cry,cry,cry.

When I finally found my first period teachers class, the bell had already rung and I was 15 minutes late. My teacher, Mrs. Shulman gave me the chance because it was the first day. But I kept thinking about what nancy said 'find some new friends bitch' the word bitch echoed in my head.

As the days went by, I was starting to be a hopeless outcast. But then a new girl, Tenesha Briggs, moved to the school and was put in the same class as me. She was gorgeous, with her hazel brown eyes and brunette hair and a smile that turned me on in so many ways. Was I gay? I asked myself.

Mrs. shulman asked if I could show her around, a part of me wanted to say no, but then I said yes. I kept staring at her ass. Oh god she had two beautiful ass cheeks. whats wrong with me she's a girl and I don't like girls, do I but o my god she is so fine, I wander what she'd say if I-

Tenesha: um hi im tenesha but you can call me teetee or nesha.

She had the most beautiful voice I've ever heard.

Tenesha: you don't talk much do you?

Me: oh sorry I was thinking about something but what were you saying?

Tenesha: nothing soo what were you thinking about?

Me: um nothing just schoolwork thats all.

Tenesha: you sure because I thought you were thinking about me.

O my God did she see me look at her when sje first came, or did she see me look at her ass, oh God I felt so stupid.

me: Why would you think that?

She took a moment to reply as if refreshing her memory.

Tenesha: oh I dunno from the way you looked at me in the class when I came in a few days ago. always staring at me like you have an obsessed crush.........

Oh god busted.

Me: umm

Tenesha: oh and checking out my ass today I almost forgot about that.

As we walkeed to our last class period, science, I never said another word.

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