Golden Gate

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They were talking , talking at the golden gate

while people were watching , spinning tales

of how unceremoniously they were meant to be .

She with her giddiness , he with his

chaotic yet mesmerising expressions

they seemed to glide

through space and time .

She loved books and hated boys ,

while he loved quiet and hated his choice

To be here

But he still stays at the golden gate

To see her

They wondered how life was better

Without things too artificial

And how their flaws became their bridges

She saw his real self bloom as they talked , thinking

this is beautiful

we are invincible .

And he thought too

I'm finally myself for real

she makes me feel alive and true

And all these years , I never had a clue .

She loved him as she loved nostalgia

which hung by a weak thread in her memories

While he held it tight and straight

So they could fly .

And they were thinking , thinking when they reached the golden gate

that -

I'm grateful , just weirdly grateful

To have you with me .

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