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She hasn't​ lost her mind ,
trying to find her drive back home .
She doesn't lose her breath on your antics .
She does so cause they are just sadistic .

She's the Babel of a man's desires .
The epitome of feministic power .
Embrace it , cause that is all what you have .
She's the terror , the feminine Cesar
the fucking melodrama .
Embrace it , cause that is all the world would only have .

An item of mockery forever , generations galore .
Forgotten in the times of egoistic superiority .
But needed in fulfilling carnal desires ,
She just doesn't believe these pathetic truthful liars .

She's the mirror to the creation ,
the pinnacle of human perfection .
Embrace it , cause that is all what you have .
She's the raindrop in the barren lands
the fucking melodrama .

Embrace it ,
Cause He had made her from you .

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