t h r e e - the first day

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song for this chapter - lose by travis scott

is it possible for the sound of your alarm clock to make you physically sick?

that's exactly how i felt as i heard the horrendous sound come from my phone at 6 a.m. on wednesday, the first day of school.

even after listening to what gray said, i was still nervous about junior year. my schedule was packed with core classes, leaving me with only two electives.
after hitting snooze about 5 times, i finally decided to get out of bed and get ready. it was 6:40, and i had to be to first period by 8, so i had plenty of time.

i had finished my makeup and was just finishing straightening my hair, when i felt my phone vibrate. i unlocked my phone and saw that it was a text from ethan.


we'll pick you up at 7:30. see you soon :)

my car was in the shop for just about the hundredth time, but thankfully ethan and grayson were always willing to drive me if i ever needed a ride.

i smiled at my phone and sent him back a quick okay. i checked the time, and it read 7:20.

i quickly threw on ripped jeans, a black shirt and a beige cardigan. i grabbed my bag from the edge of my bed and headed downstairs.

my dad was sitting at the dining room table, while my mom was finishing packing a lunch for me. of course i was capable of doing this myself, but i was grateful that my mom still did this, especially on days i was running late.

"do you have everything you need?" my mom asked as she placed a banana in the sack.

"yes, i think so. ethan and grayson are picking me up." i grabbed an apple as my breakfast and took a seat at one of the barstools at the counter.

"so when are you and ethan going to start dating?" my dad asked, not looking up from his paper.

"dad! we're not going to date. you're bothering the wrong kid, you're supposed to be asking ryder this about cameron."

just then, there was a knock on the door.
i opened it, revealing ethan, looking somewhat tired. i could only assume it was because him and grayson were up until 2 a.m. playing their xbox.

"you look excited," i gave him a quick hug and smile as i let him in.

"grayson and i decided to stay up and play video games all night. not our best move." told ya.

"i'm not surprised." i smiled as we walked over to the kitchen where my parents were.

"good morning ethan. are you excited for your first day back?" my mom asked as she finished packing her own lunch.

"eh. it won't be too bad since grayson and i are only going part time for now-" ethan was cut off when we heard a car horn go off.

"will you two hurry up? i don't wanna have to park in butt fuck egypt!" lovely.

"my dad heard that, gray!" i hollered back to grayson while my mom chuckled and rolled her eyes while ethan tried to hide his laughter.

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