i n t r o

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yasmine's pov

"you think you know people. and then they surprise you."

for as long as i could remember, ethan, grayson and i were the best of friends. our mom's were best friends all throughout high school, and they got pregnant with us around the same time. both my older sister everly and older brother ryder were friends with their sister, cameron, and it was always me and the twins. it worked out pretty well.

i was only a few weeks older than them, but they would always look out for me as if i was their baby sister. they were good friends, the best i've ever had actually. the type of friends who would want you to let them know when they got home even though you only lived three minutes away. the type of friends who knew exactly what you were thinking and how you were feeling, without you even having to say anything. they were the type of friends who cared immensely for the people closest to them, and would do anything for them.

and if i'm being quite honest, they're just the type of people in general who made you want to be a better person.

they were popular, but they weren't cocky at all. at first glance and without knowing them, you would think that they were the biggest flirts and just used girls, but that wasn't the case. exactly the opposite, in fact.

all the guys wanted to be them and almost every girl at school was in love with grayson, or ethan, or even both of them. grayson only ever had a few flings with some girls, and ethan had only been in one relationship, and lets just say that didn't end very well. ever since him and brooke broke up, he had been pretty low key when it came to dating. sure, he had taken a few girls out on dates, but it never turned into something.

kids at school would always hype me up for being best friends with the dolan twins, especially when they first started out on vine. they got a little famous, and that's when people at school really started to notice them. even though i had always been friends with them, people still treated me different. they weren't "the dolan twins" to me, though. they were just ethan and grayson. two twin boys, who weren't like the rest. they were different. a good different.

after spending some time apart, it was refreshing to be around them, and remember that sweet, kind, humble souls are still out there.

i shouldn't have become so distant once i got into a relationship. i know that people always like to speculate a girls intentions when she still hangs out with other guys even when she gets a boyfriend, but my relationship with the twins was more of a brother/sister kinda deal.

well, with grayson anyway.

when we first started dating, everything was picture perfect, and he didn't really mind my relationship with the twins, but as time went on he just got more and more jealous. when we had been dating for three months, he wanted me to completely break off my friendship with the twins. i told him i wouldn't do that, and i tried to convince him that they were more like my brothers than anything. but no matter how hard i tried, he didn't believe me. it was like he didn't trust me, even though i had never given him a reason not to.

i should've picked up on that as the first red flag.

instead of our relationship getting better, it only got worse. he was so jealous, all of them time. even if i just went over to the twins house with my family for dinner, he'd call me screaming and we'd get in a heated argument over the phone. i couldn't even text ethan and ask him for help with my pre-calc homework, because daniel would get so mad and assume the worst.

i was always giving him the benefit of the doubt though, and after everything that happened, i've realized i was settling for something less than i deserved.

ethan and grayson tried to get me to see it, but as disgusting as it sounds, i was so blinded by love, that i would just tell them that they were being overly dramatic, and that mine and daniel's relationship was our business and our business only.

the last four months of our relationship were the worst. i wasn't talking to ethan or grayson at all, and i wasn't happy. i had changed so much, all because of him. it wasn't a good change either. i was always mad and irritable, i had the worst attitude, i was constantly snapping at people when they didn't deserve it, and i had honestly just stopped caring about almost everything in my life. i had lost myself, all because of a guy.

i had turned into someone that ethan and grayson wouldn't ever dream of being friends with.

but for some reason, they stuck around. they were always there, just from afar. they still cared, and they always would.

they wanted the old me back, and knew she was still in there.

it was just gonna take some time to find her.


yay so i have absolutely no idea where this is gonna go but lemme know if you liked it?? throw ya girl some votes ok ily

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