
4 2 2

Everything is beautiful
When you are happy.
She giggled.
She started to see everything lovely.
Even bubbles in soap,
In colourful doodles,
Plucking from the guitar,
Photo frames on the wall,
The way of fingers movement to the piano keys,
The sound of raindrops falling down
And children playing around
When little stars twinkle,
The smell of new books,
New fragrance in the air,
The way puppies wave their tails,
When she smiled at the mirror
And when she braid her hair,
The taste of a morning coffee,
The time she forgot to clean some chocolates in her teeth
And the time she counted how many strawberries in the basket.
And her heart beat rhyme.
She thought.
She grinned.
Her eyes closed.
She shook her head.
Nah Ah.
She is in love.


The photo is from my dear friend. Her first ever shooting with models. This poem is for someone like me who is in love with a beautiful human.


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