Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sipped my coffee as I satcomfortably on the bench on my porch. It was such a lovely morning,even though it was freezing, the weather was clear, not even a cloudin the sky. I gazed around, enjoying the tranquillity that a Sundaymorning offered. I lived in a nice village on the outskirts in asmall neighbourhood of around 250 persons. I loved the fact thateveryone knew each other, but this means also that no one ever mindedhis own business. Usually, it wasn't done intentionally but moreout of concern, yet it bothers me. Sometimes I feel suffocated bysuch attention. Life in a small community gets boring. I never meetnew persons and nothing interesting ever happens. Life becomes just aroutine. Another year, and then I would leave and go to college. Icouldn't wait to be independent, even though maybe I already was. Iam 18 years old and I live with my dad, who is almost always awaybecause of his work. My mum died when I was just two years old and Idon't remember her. I have no siblings, cousins, or otherrelatives. It's just me and Dad.

As I took another sip of my warm coffee, which felt like bliss, Iheard someone calling my name.


Here we go, I thought, goodbye tranquillity. Bethany Ross was mybest friend and neighbour. She lived just at the end of the block. Iloved her to bits, but whenever she was around, I could expectanything. She got us into trouble many times and because of her, I'vebeen put on detention twice.

"Hey!" I waved as I saw her approaching. She seemed extremelyexcited, well to say it all she's always excited, but this morningshe seemed more than usual. "Doing jogging already?" I asked.

"What jogging? No. I've rushed here because I wanted to bethe one to tell you."

I sighed. What was she up to now? "Tell me what? No, wait... letme guess. You just met the love of your life." I said derisively.Bethany was the kind of girl who fell in and out of love easily. Iwouldn't able to count how many times she was sure she'd met theone.

"No.. I met yours." She said with her contagious smile. Shewas a lovely girl. Huge blue eyes looked intrigued at me, waiting formy reaction. There wasn't any. It wasn't the first time thatBethany tried to find someone for me.

"The baker's son?" I asked with a smile.

"No, Kyle!" At the mention of that name, I let go of the cupof coffee, spilling its content on my brand new jeans.

"What are you saying?" I said, wincing at the mess I had done.Thank God the coffee wasn't boiling or else I would have strangledBethany.

"I'm saying that I saw your Kyle this morning. He was at thebaker's shop."

"No.. It's can't be. And he's not my Kyle, he has neverbeen." I said sadly. Just then my mind made a journey back in time.I was only fourteen years old at the time, too young for him to evennotice me. Kyle lived next door. I knew his younger sister, Alice. Iused to go to their house frequently. Alice was my schoolmate. I wastotally in love with him. I liked everything about him, his greyeyes, his golden-brown hair, his figure, but most of all his smile. Icouldn't wait to grow up, hoping to turn into the girl he dreamedof. But he didn't give me time to do that as he left a year laterand never returned. Although almost four years passed, I still thinkof him every day and wonder what happened to him. His parents andAlice left three years ago. Their father had found a new job in a newstate. I missed Alice terribly. We had promised each other to keep incontact, but we failed.

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