Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A week passed from that day, and Kyle never mentioned that he saw me in his garden. He never spoke to me unless he needed to ask me a question about Biology. He ignored me all the time. Maybe it was an impression, but sometimes I thought he hated me.

"He's looking this way," Beth whispered while I was intent on trying to draw the diagram there was on the book.

"I doubt that," I retorted without even looking.

"But he is. He didn't take eyes off you since he came in."

"You're imagining things," I hissed. "Beth, he despises me."

"You're so naïve, Amy." Thankfully she stopped. I only wished to concentrate on what I was doing. As I was going to start another part, a hand brushed mine as it grabbed the piece of paper I was using. I looked up in shock as electricity sizzled up my arm where he had touched. He was standing in front of me, peering at the diagram I had made. I shuddered, my God, I had to control myself. Everyone would notice how I was feeling.

"You're working well." He said. "You have a slight mistake here. If you look at the one in the book, you realize that this part is wider."

"Oh.. OK..." I murmured. He handed me back the paper, and this time was careful not to brush my hand again. I could feel my heart beating in my throat and he had barely brushed my hand.

"Are you OK?" Beth asked as he stepped away.

I nodded. I couldn't even speak.

"You're redder than a tomato." She remarked.

Did she think I didn't know? My face was burning, and I couldn't help it.

"You're giving away your feelings. He'll understand and so will everybody else in the class."

"Can you shut up?! Leave me alone, Beth."

But she ignored me and as if I hadn't even spoken, she proceeded to rub salt in the wounds.

"He's still looking at you and he has a peculiar expression on his face. I'm sure he sensed what you feel for him."

I wanted to punch her, but I didn't do it. Instead, I tried to fix where he said was inaccurate. The lesson passed slowly; it felt like an eternity, especially since I never looked up once. I glued my eyes to the book, hoping this will distract me from the turmoil of emotions I was feeling inside. When the lesson passed, and the bell rang, I put away my things rapidly. I wanted to go away; I needed air. Why was I reacting like this? Kyle did nothing extraordinary. But for me, it was more than sufficient to make me shiver. When I finished, I clutched my bag and as I turned around to leave; I knocked into him. He was standing right behind me.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Mr. Harrison.." I murmured. He said nothing. Instead, he kept looking at me strangely. Beth was about to open her mouth to speak, but luckily she stopped in time. Instead, she said she would wait for me outside. The others were already out.

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