Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next day, as promised, Bethany was waiting for me near thegate. After two weeks' break, I didn't feel like starting schoolagain. Christmas passed, and Dad had to return to work. I missed him,but I never grumbled. I realized what dad was doing; he was doing itfor me. He wanted me to study and become what he never became, adoctor.

"Did you do all the assignments Mr. Rodgers gave us before theholidays?" Bethany asked.

"Yes, although they were difficult. Especially the one about theheart."

"Yeah, in fact, I want to ask him to explain again. I hope he'sin a good mood today."

"Oh, I'm sure he won't say no. He's a kind man."

We strolled along the corridors. The classroom was on the secondfloor. There was a lot of noise, everybody seemed in a hurry. Somestudents were still at their lockers while others walked to theirclasses. When we arrived at our class, Mr. Rodgers wasn't thereyet.

"Hello, girls." Elaine waved at us from the corner. She was afriendly girl. We become friends last year.

"Hi Elaine, how are you?" Bethany asked as she sat nearher.

"I'm fine, thank you. Have you heard what happened to Mr.Rodgers?" She said in a serious tone.

"No, what happened?" I asked as I sat down next toBethany.

"He had a massive heart attack, he's in hospital."

"Oh my God, will he recover?" Bethany asked.

"I hope so. He's a dedicated professor, we will miss him."Elaine continued.

"So what about the lessons now? What will happen?" I inquired.

"We will have a new teacher until June."

"Great." I wasn't pleased. No one can substitute Mr.Rodgers. I sighed as I took out my textbooks. "He's even late,"I grumbled. I clutched my assignments and stared at the heart drawingI had made. How ironic, Mr. Rodgers had spoken a lot about the heart,about the function of this vital organ. And now he was in thehospital in serious conditions. Did he know he had problems with his,already? The door opened and someone came in. But I wasn'tinterested. I turned to look out of the window, but suddenlysomething clawed at my hand, making me cry in pain. I turned to looksharply at Bethany.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled. She dug her nail inthe soft flesh of my poor hand.

"It's him." She murmured without breath.

"Him who?"

"Excuse me!" I heard a deep husky voice say. "You at theback. Stand up, please."

I turned my head and as my gaze rested on the tall figure that wasstanding still staring at me, my heart drummed in my rib cage. Myeyes widened as I took in his appearance. He changed little. Timejust enhanced his already handsome face. He was taller than Iremembered, his shoulders were broader, his waist trimmer and hishair longer. But he was the same man. His grey eyes looked curiouslyat me. The anger I first saw when I stood up seemed to havedisappeared, leaving space for surprise. Did he recognize me?

Teaching Amy (teacher/student)- Sample only Story PublishedWhere stories live. Discover now