Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The following day I arrived at school late. I passed the entire night staring at the ceiling, trying in vain to get some sleep. But I didn't manage, as I couldn't stop thinking about Alice and aboutKyle. I felt so sad. I wished I could help Kyle, but I knew there was nothing I could do to make him feel better.

I arrived at school without breath. I jogged all the way from home. I was hoping to arrive in class before Kyle did. I stopped in front of the class door and peeped inside to see if he was already there.

"You're late." I heard him saying.

I jumped as soon as I felt his breath on my neck. He was standing right behind me.

"I'm sorry.. hey, wait- so you are!" I returned. He looked at me, amused.

"No one will punish me if I arrive a little late, but for you is different."

"You mean you're punishing me?"

"We'll see." He said in a teasing tone. "After you." He said, opening the door. I smiled and then hurried inside. Beth grinned at me as I set down next to her.

"This morning he seems in a better mood. How come you're so late? Was it because of the handsome teacher?"


"Was it a coincidence you arrived both at the same time?"

"Yes, it was!"

"You would tell me if anything happened with him, right?"

"Sure, but nothing will happen."

"I'll never believe that not when he can't keep his eyes off you this morning. He keeps looking this way."

"He isn't." But when I looked at him, I saw that Beth was right. His eyes locked with mine twice while he explained the lesson. And each time butterflies erupted into my stomach.

"You're on the right track, my friend. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Something changed since he came to your house."

Could Beth be right? I really wished so.

The lesson ended. The bell rang. I gazed secretly at Kyle, who was still discussing something with a student. I wished to go to talk to him, even though in reality I didn't know what to tell him. What excuse could I find to exchange a few words with him?

"I'll wait for you outside," Beth said. "Don't be longas Ms. Stevens hates it when we're late."

"There is no need, I'm coming. I don't want to make it obvious that I'm dying to speak to him, even to say something blunt like thank you. Let's go."

"Well, my dear, he's looking this way, and he's coming this way."


"Don't get overexcited, you're already blushing."

"Shut up."

"I'll wait outside." She said again before leaving.

"Amy!" Oh lord, that voice and the way he pronounced my name.

"Yes, Mr. Harrison?"

"Here, this is yours." Saying that he handed me the letter.

"Oh, thank you. So you're not doing anything about it."

"Well, I'm hoping that Alice had more of this hidden somewhere."

I started to sweat. What if she really had more letters she didn't send? What if he reads them? In the letter, Alice said I was like a diary, so she might have written letters instead.

"You seem worried." He said smirking. "What dark secrets are you hiding, Ms. Amy Johnson?" He taunted.

"Who, me? No secrets at all. What are you expecting to find in the letters?"

"A name, in the letter she never mentioned the name of the baby's father. I don't know anything which can help me. It might have been an accident, and I can't accuse anyone without proof."

"Where did you find the letter you gave me?"

"When I sold my parent's house I emptied a lot of the furniture. Some of it I sold, some I kept, and some I gave to my grandma. I found that letter in an old chest of drawers that Amy used for her schoolbooks. I didn't have the courage to throw away her things, so I left them in the drawers and gave them to granny. She has a lot of space. After my parent's died I went to live in a small apartment."

"Oh, I see."

"So I decided that it's time to face my past. I never came to terms with the fact they died. It's time I do. It won't be easy for me to see old albums and things, but I have to do it. I will leave on Friday after school. I already called Grandma."

As I thought about all the things I used to say to Alice, I felt panicky. I remember the time I told her how much I liked Kyle'sbody and how much I was attracted to him. And then there was the time when we saw a romantic movie and the main actors were making love and I told her I would never give my virginity to anyone but to Kyle. We used to have a diary which we exchanged. The blue book that Alice mentioned in the letter. I stored all my secrets, there. Sometimes I found it hard to express myself, and it was easier to write everything in the diary. I used to give the diary to Alice and she wrote back her advice. When she left, I gave her my diary, and now Kyle could find it.

"Can I come with you?" I asked without thinking.

Dear Readers the sample of the book ends here as the book has been published and I wasn't allowed to leave it here, the reason being rights of the sites I published it with. I could only leave a sample of it. For those who are interested in purchasing the book, they can find it as an ebook from this site.

Teaching Amy (teacher/student)- Sample only Story PublishedWhere stories live. Discover now