Diaries of a Demigod

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Ok, so the title may be, 'Diaries of a Demigod', but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be doing all that Dear Diary crap that's in other books. It simply means this is from the view if one of the most infamous demigods ever. More or less, Me. LEFT AND BEYOND----->>>>>>

I absolutely hate being a demigod, but at least it has it's perks. Like controlling _____, and being a total bad-ass around the counselors, which is really fun sometimes.

So, if you're a mortal reading this. Don't wish you were a demigod. Cause trust me. I'd give anything to be mortal. Cause almost everyday I face about fourteen to forty near-death experiences. You know. Large dogs. Evil titans. Blue cats. Everything. Including rabid bananas. Don't get me started on that. Let's just say Sadie got a little excited when she heard her mom was Hecate. No more said. You'll just have to read it.

And yes, I did use Cause twice.


Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Beginning of the Ending of the Beginning

I spun around and kicked the hydra in the face. The others weren't that far behind. I whistled to my pegasus Spirit and he flew down from the clouds. I hopped on his back by running up the fire escape and jumping off. We flew down to meet the heart of an angry sixteen headed dog with my celestial bronze sword. Talk about badass.


I pulled on a jacket over my tank top and stepped outside. The cool wind whipped at my blue jeans. The rain hit and I pulled up my faux fur hood to shield my face. Crap. I'm gonna be late for class.

Twenty three minutes later I was stepping into my Homeroom pulling my rain-soaked hood down. "Miss Black. You're late. Please take a seat in the back." I rolled my eyes and went to the back if the room. "Alright then. Class can y-" I tuned her out and started to doodle in my notebook.

In gym class I sat in a corner my hood down. Everyone was wearing gym clothes except for me. Mr. White, our ninth grade coach, walked to the center of the gym. "Alright!" He boomed. "We're gonna start with warm ups. Miss Anderson? Will you lead us?" Sadie stood up, her long blonde hair back in a ponytail swinging back and forth.

After the class finished warm-ups Mr. White finally noticed me. Crap. I stand up and he announced we were doing dodgeball. Great. One of the girls on the other team picked up a ball smiling devilishly. She didn't seem familiar. She got all the girls out except for me and Sadie. She was dodging balls and pegged half of the team while I just stood there like a statue. Till one of the balls came my way.

I panicked and caught it. The girl who threw it stopped and I realized it was the girl who had gotten all the girls out on out team. She stepped out and three girls suddenly popped out from behind her. They looked exactly like her. But smaller. Sadie was staring at me, eyes wide she caught the ball one of the three girls had thrown. They stepped out and it was two on two.

Sadie shook her head and whispered something to herself. Then looked back at me to finally land her eyes on the girls on the other team. Their red hair was tied back in a messy bun and they looked like trolls. Or miniature giants. Or they could've just been redheads with bad acne.

My caramel hair flew back as one of they threw the ball at me. I dodged it and picked it up off the ground. I threw it at the one on the right, it hit her foot and she growled. Then the other girl snapped, and all the people in the room except for me, Sadie, and the four girls fell to the ground sleeping.

Sadie pulled out a flashlight from her pocket and clicked it. "What the heck is that gon-" I paused mid sentence when the light turned into a bronze axe. "Stay back. Wait, you're awake, that means, that means you're the package. Alright. Take this." She tossed me a bronze dagger from her pocket and I grabbed it. "What do I do with this?!" "Use it." She said before charging the girls.

I honestly thought she was crazy. I mean. They're just girls. At least I thought that till one of them threw a ball of fire at Sadie. That was when my grey eyes turned gold. Or at she said they did.

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