Chapter 5: Broken Promise

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My eyes fluttered open as a boy bent down in front of me. "Hi, are you awake?"

"Um, I think." I tell him sitting up slowly.

"Okay, so, I'm John, but you can call me Heir. Son of Zeus." I nod in reply.

"Kate. Daughter of, uh... someone."

"Demeter and Poseidon." I look over him quizily.


"The Ares kids said you controlled water and vines. So Demeter and Poseidon."

"So I'm a goddess." He shook his head.

"Nope. Father was Poseidon, mother was daughter of Demeter. Or the other way around." I nodded slowly and stood up. "Okay,"

"So, Heir," he nodded. "Yeah?" "can I speak with Chiron?" His expression was hilarious. Bloody hilarious. "Oh, uh, sure."


I walked into the 'Big House' as the campers called it, and walked up to Chiron. "Ah, Katelyn." "Yeah. So I was wondering, who are my parents?" "Well, who took care of you?" "My dad." "Your father was probably a son of Poseidon, while your mother was Dem-" he was interrupted by a girl running in. "Rae, what bring y-" she interrupted him by saying, "You need to come, now." She looked over Chiron and then ran back out.

Chiron told me to get on his back.
"What?" "Climb on, we need to go." I hesitated but then climbed on. The ride to the cabin where Rae was sitting was bumpy, as in wooden roller coaster bumpy. She stood up and opened the door. Inside were all of the Hermes children. They were staring at one spot. As if memorized. It was a bed with the word 'Sadie', painted in white letters. They never took their eyes off a certain spot.

"They've been like this since this morning when Sarah came to visit Cleve." I walked over to one Sadie's bed and I feel hands on my shoulders. I turn to see all of the campers from the Hermes cabin, including Chiron, standing around me. I duck out and push a few, but they don't move.

"What in the world?" Rae says. She walks up to Chiron and waves a hand in his face. He blinks then snaps to reality. Then he looks to me with a worried expression on his face. "Chir-" "Can't talk now, I have to go." He galloped back to his cabin.

Rae sat down on an empty bed, holding her head in her hands. Her short maroon hair hung around her face. Finally she lifted it up. "Sadie's gone." She said standing up. "I'm Rae, you?" "Katelyn, but call me Kate." She nodded and I walked out of the room, Rae following behind me.


I walked around the camp, I still had about twenty minutes before training began. I stopped at the stables. "Hey there." I said to a horse. Hi, I looked around for a source of the voice. I turned back to the winged horse. He had a beautiful pure white coat, and a black muzzle. He had a cute face. Spirit. A voice said. I looked around again. It's me. Right here. The one you're petting? I looked at horse whose muzzle I was petting. I turned but I ended up looking at him again. "Wait, what?" Poseidon's children can understand horses, pegasia, unicorns, uegasai, so on.

"Kate!" A voice yelled. "Opps, gotta go, see you later, Spirit." I walked towards the sound to find Rae at the shore of the lake. "What took you so long?" She said standing up and walking over to a coliseum. "These are the training grounds, or room, or whatever you want to call it." I nod in reply.

She motioned to a large wooden wall with weapons on it. Just then Chiron walked in. I shrugged and grabbed what looked like a sword. It was surprisingly light and she looked at me in suprise.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just that I expected you to freak out and ask if it was real."

"Oh don't worry, I've seen it in the movies." She rolled her eyes and pulled out a flashlight. "That's Sadie's." I tell her. "No, it's not, I let her borrow it while she was out bringing in the package." Then she mumbled something about it being a useless package.

She put it back in her pocket and grabbed a sword off the shelf thing.
As soon as she attacked me suddenly I knew what to do, dodge, attack, parry, attack, dodge, and so on.

After a couple minutes she was still going, I was ready to stop though. She twisted her blade in mine and pulled up. My sword went flying out of my hand.

"Can I have a word with Kate?" Chiron asked. Rae nodded and I walked up to him.

This is how it went.

Me:"What is it?"

Him:"I found what your real heritage is."


Him: "Your father was a son of Poseidon, and your mother was Artemis."

Me:*eyes widen in surprise* "As in, Artemis? As in she broke her promise?"

Chiron nodded. "So which cabin do I stay in?" "Your choice." "I'll take Artemis's."

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