Chapter 6: The Prophecy and the Punch

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I woke up in a sweat, wondering where I was. All of a sudden the memories of yesterday washed over me. I rolled over on my bed and looked out the window next to my cot. I could see the lake and the forest that was next to it. Poseidon's cabin was farther down the shoreline.

I stood up and realized I had fallen asleep in my clothes. I walked over to the shower and turned in the hot water. It felt good on my skin. I dried off with the towel hanging on the rack and stepped onto the tile floor, which happened to be cold. There was a new black tank top and jeans lying on the cot. I pulled it on along with my jacket and boots and stepped outside. Heir was running--no, flying--over to me.

"Hey Kate." He said settling down next to me. "Hey, do you know who put new clothes on my bed?" "They weren't new, we just washed em'." I nodded slowly. "So you did." He stood there for a second before I noticed his ears were turning red. "Yeah, I thought you would need it to be clean because it looked like it hadn't been washed in a while." I smiled at him and said, "Thanks." "Chiron wanted to talk to you, again." He said pointing towards the Big House.


As we walked into the big house I heard voices from in the other room. "She's the one, I'm sure. The only daughter of Artemis alive." "Then we must show it to her." The second voice was Chiron's. But I wondered who the first voice belonged to. "Who's that?" The first voice asked. After that I heard some quiet whispers, finally ending in a long, loud sigh. Chiron and a boy I had never seen before came out. The boy had chilling green eyes and light brown hair.

"Kate, meet Calian Bitèr, your half-brother." I stood there in shock looking at the twenty year-old man who was supposedly my brother. "Hi there." He said. "You're twenty." He shook his head. "Nineteen. Only five years older than you." He looked down at my face. "You are fourteen, almost fifteen, right?" I didn't answer. "How are you my half-brother?" Your dad was my dad. But my mom was a mortal." "Okay, so what did you want to show me?" He turned pale while Chiron smiled. "So you did hear?" I nodded. "Well then, Calian, would you mind leading her to the cave?" Cal shook his head and walked back outside.

We walked to the lake and then he froze the water, motioning for me to go on. I ignored him and broke off a piece of ice, stood on it, and powered a wave to bring me across. As I looked back the look on Calian's face seemed competitive. He started to run on the water. I jumped off the ice block and did a flip in the air, courtesy of eight years of gymnastics and being a daughter of Artemis. Then I started to run on the water. It froze under my feet.


After Calian and I had finished our little race he started to hike up the hills surrounding the lake. I was proud of myself for not falling. At all. Go Artemis's agility!

We hiked up to a cave covered with purple curtains. It was awesome. Inside was an everything. Even a flat screen the size of half if the front room. The walls and floor were dirt. In one if the rooms there was music playing. "Jona?" Calian called out. Soon a British voice answered. "Cal!" Said the boy walking into the room. When I turned around my jaw dropped. Well, not literally, but you get the point. He had pure black hair that reached his golden eyes. He was HAWT. Then he had golden streaks in his hair.

"Hilo!" The boy--Jona--said. Them he noticed me. "Who's the chick, new girlfriend already?" "This," he said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Is the daughter of Artemis so get your dirty hand off me you perv." "Sheesh. Is my si-" "half," I inturuppt. He blinked, obviously annoyed. "This is my half, sister." I smiled at him, proud of myself.

"Feisty one, eh? Me likely." He smirked. I turned around ignoring them both. For a minute they said nothing and I could feel there eyes bearing into my back as I inspected the cave. "Kate! Aren't you gonna say something, where are your manners?" This guy as acting like my dad. Maybe because he had the same one. I said, "Okay, It's lovely to get to meet you Jona, aren't you the most handsome, stunning young man." In my most sarcastic English accent.

"Oh, you think I'm handsome? Try hot." I smacked my head and wondered where this world was going with idiots like these, unable to recognize a cheesy accent and a sarcastic comment.

"Stupid. Stupid, stupid boys. Never get anything right. You guys are crazy." "Was that an insult? Or a complement?" "Dude? Stop hitting on my sister." 'Thank you so much Calian!' Was what I wanted to say, but I didn't feel like it. Oh well. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I have to go check on something." Cal said. I nodded and went back to inspecting the house.

"So, do you think I'm hot?" He said grabbing my wrist and turning it around so I had to face him. He moved in for a kiss so fast I hardly noticed. Then, when he stick his tongue in I bit it. "WTF!" He yelled as he pulled away. "That was for earlier. This was for a moment ago." And then I punched him in the nose. "Owey! But you're still hot." He says grinning wildly. Just then Calian walked in to see Jona with a bleeding nose and a red tongue and me rolling my eyes at his remark. "What happened?"

I explained a total lie to Cal. If he had sticked around longer than maybe he would've found out that I'm an excellent lier. "Well, Jona was showing me the jacuzzi when he slipped and bit his lip, falling on his face, he also hit his nose, which I think is broken." I said tapping it hardly. Jona grimaced, but Cal didn't notice. He he. Then Jona touched and squeezed my butt. I stepped on his toe with the force of a bull and stalked up to Cal. While Cal was going to get ice from the fridge(Did I mention he had everything here?) Jona whispered to me, "You're a good kisser, and a lier, I just wish you aren't trying to bite my lip off next time we do it." He grinned wildly. "Shut up." "So, Jona, we were wondering if you're sister was here?" "Fabian?" Cal nodded. "Yep. Sleeping, like always. Being the daughter of Hades and the oracle is a lot of work. Especially for a thirteen year old." He whispered as we walked down the hall and peeked into the bedroom. "she's only thirteen?!" He nodded. "How old are you?" "15. You?" "14." He nodded. "Call me when you're 15." "That's next week." "Yes!" He yelled so loudly that he woke up his sister. "Crap. Sorry Fab! We just have visitors."

She turned over amd sat up and I saw the cutest little face. She looked nothing like her brother. She had pale skin, while his was a tanned orange. And also, she had black hair, but with purple streaks. And her eyes were brown instead of gold.

"Wait, I sense it. It's her. The D-O-A!" "Department of agriculture?" "Yeah, sure...... SHES THE DAUGHTER OF ARTEMIS ya dumbbut!" I could tell I was going to like this girl. She also didn't have a British accent, and wasn't afraid to stand up to her brother, who was, according to Fabian, was a dumbbut.


We had been sitting in the living room for a half-hour having snacks while Fabian got dressed. She came out in a black t-shirt and jeans. Her hair was tied up in a Dutch braid that turned into a ponytail. "Hey y'all. So, I'm Fabian, who are you?" "Kate," I answered. "The DOA!" Jona said cheerfully. Fabian brushed my shoulder while getting up and her and my eyes both glazed overs bright blue.

To Moon or Sun the sky will fall,

unless three will answer the call,

Daughter of magic shall open her eyes,

As daughter of moon carries the ties,

Two shall be rescued from Oureo,

Into the hands of thy great hero,

Magic, Moon, Water, Fire, and Skies, (unite to cook the yummy fries! LOL!!! Alright, I'll go, but still that was funny, right? Come on, you know it was! Whatever, Awkward Out•>•>•>•>•>)

Unite but lose one to demise.......

I could see again but the letters were still written on my eyes and whenever I blinked the Greek letters were imprinted in my eyelids. Crap. Now I'm never gonna sleep. Wha ta fuke! I looked up at Fabian, to see she was wobbling. Struggling, I reached up and caught her as she fell.

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