Chapter 7: My First Quest, and First Weapon

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We had put Faintie, A.K.A. Fabian according to Calian and Jona, back in her room, she was sleeping soundly in her bed when we closed the door on the thirteen year-old. And were now going back to the prophecy. "What exactly did she say?" Calian asked. I closed my eyes every few seconds, reading it, but after a few moments it was engraved in my brain and was gone when I closed my eyes, I recited it over and over for him,

"To Moon or Sun the sky will fall,

unless three will answer the call,

Daughter of magic shall open her eyes,

As daughter of moon carries the ties,

Two shall be rescued from Oureo,

Into the hands of thy great hero,

Magic, Moon, Water, Fire, and Skies,

Unite but lose one to demise.......

To Moon or Sun the sky will fall,

unless three will answer the call,

Daughter of magic shall open her eyes,

As daughter of moon carries the ties,

Two shall be rescued from Oureo,

Into the hands of thy great hero,

Magic, Moon, Water, Fire, and Skies,

Unite but lose one to demise......."

"Alright then, that's the third, and final time I've had to tell it to you! I'm done!" I said sitting down on the bean-bag, my toned stomach was showing so I pulled down my tank top. As Calian walked over to the curtain I said, "Also, it's getting late, we should go, I'll be back!" Jona got a crazy smile on his face when I said that, I walked up to him my face inches from his and said, "Oh, how cute, you think I'm coming for you." He moved closer to my face and I stood up abruptly. "Bye Fabian!" I yelled even though she was asleep.

The whole hike back to camp was jokes about everything. Jona, Fabian, her new nickname, and everything else. It was fun. Until Cal brought up dad. He asked me if he still had that dark, dark, dark brown hair, I told him that dad went missing when I was six. The year he left. It was weird though. I didn't remember having a brother, and Calian did, well, not having a brother but a sibling. That got a little confuzzling. Maybe it's just because I was really young.


If you're getting confused by the names, I'll explain them right here, okay, so, my dads name is Casey Jacklyn, my last name is Black because it was my dads moms maiden name and he wanted me to stay at least a little connected to the mortal world considering I had two gods in my blood. Calian is Bitèr (BITC-IER), because he wants nothing to do with my dad anymore. He left when he was eleven to live here, and after that, was never seen again until he got back from a quest on the day I arrived. I'll explain the rest later. So yeah, keep reading!


"Kate, please come here." Chiron said as we neared a tree with vines growing down the side. Chiron pushed some out of the way and pressed a button, them he told me to press the other button. I did so and a doorway opened up. We stepped through to the other side of the tree. There was a brook, and another tree, and pegasia. I noticed Spirit was grazing over by the creek. When he saw me his black eyes flashed gold and his 16 hand frame galloped over to me. "Hey boy." I said touching his nuzzle. He snickered and I smiled at him. "Ah, my dear, it seems he has chosen you, you're very lucky." I smiled in response to him and climbed on his back. The first time I slid off the other side and Chiron laughed. "Come on." This time I pulled myself up and my legs hung in the middle of his wings and his neck. It was actually kinda comfortable.

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