Chapter 3

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    "Wh-what are your talking about!?!" I say trying to get up, but wincing in pain.

    "Don't strain yourself, relax." Mom says pushing me back down gently. I lay back down without resistance.

    I think back to the incident and tell mom what happened. Or what I think happened. "I was in the car with Nicky and Kai, and they were driving me somewhere. Then something happened. I whisper mostly to myself. There's a lot I don't know obviously.

    Mom frowns at me and searches my eyes for answers that I know aren't there.

It's weird Moms eyes don't resemble mine or Zale's, hers is a beautiful shade of dark green. It reminds me of those fancy jewels I see in the mall all the time. I always look into her eyes with wonder, if eyes really were the gate to people's souls, I would think hers would be full of light.

    A man in turquoise scrubs with a clipboard in his hands walks in, breaking my thoughts, and thankfully ending the crazy expression mom was giving me.

    "Good evening, I'm Dr. Winters and I'm going to be your doctor today." He says shaking Moms and Zales hands.

    He then turns to me and starts asking a bunch of boring questions like, How are you?, Do you feel well?, Does anything hurt? and so on.

    I zone out and every so often I nod or shake my head no. I listen in when he starts to talk about my injuries.

    "You were extremely lucky to come out with minor injuries Mrs. Easton." Dr. Winters says examining his clipboard.

    "Only a couple of bruises on the arms and legs, a broken rib, and a bump on the head back of your head." He inspects the clipboard again and speaks.

    "Better than expected actually considering you had a horrible crash in which the car was completely destroyed." Dr. Winters stud bewildered.  Nicky's going to kill me for destroying her car!

    I tell Dr. Winters what I told mom. He answers the same way as she did.

    "There was no trace of anyone else besides you in the car. He says also looking at my wide-eyed. "Yeah I've already been told." I think exhausted

    "She's delusional, because her body wasn't getting enough energy. When was the last time she ate." Dr. Winters says talking to mom trying to maintain a whisper, but failing miserably.

    "I think yesterday morning." Mom says quietly probably thinking I ate the granola bar I put in my bag. I should have eaten it.

    Dr.Winters tells Zale and Mom that I'll need to stay for a couple of days to let the injuries heal.

    Great now I'll have to stay in this room with that ugly couch over there. No offense coach.

    On second thought maybe I should get some sleep, because I realize I'm apologizing to a couch. Next I'm going to start talking to my heart monitor.

    Zale comes over and gives me a hug before he leaves, and mom followed behind him giving me a kiss and holding my hand tightly before letting go. I can tell she's still on edge about what I said earlier. I won't mention it again; I'll just lie the next time the subject comes up. Unfortunately, that's the only way to keep mom sane.

    When everyone's gone I try to fight sleep. I don't want a repeat of the nightmare yesterday. My eye lids betray me and fall. Sleep takes me from there.

    I arise the next day with no nightmares, but a tray of food infront of me. It consists of a yelow square piece of what looks like eggs, vanilla pudding, a barely toasted wedge of bread, and orange juice in a styrofoam cup. I don't want to eat anything, especially this, but I must, because my stomach sounds like a wounded mammoth crying for help. 

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