6 Months Later
I let out a breath before I exited the shower, drying myself off before putting on my clothes. After slipping on my underwear and shorts I realized my shirt wasn't in there. "I know I grabbed it," I told myself as I exited the bathroom. I looked around my room briefly, not seeing it anywhere. I walked downstairs to the living room. Maybe I left it down there when I came grab my phone.
"Hey, Laur have you seen my white 1975 shirt?"
I turned to look at the girl who was sitting on the couch when I didn't get an answer, only to find her staring at me. "Lo," I said, snapping her out of her daze. "Nope, haven't seen it," she told me.
I eyed her suspiciously before letting my eyes scan her body, only to realize she had my shirt on. "Lauren-" "Pleaseeee, let me wear it," she whined, making me crack a smile. "Fine," I told her, laughing when she fist pumped and jumped off the couch to kiss my cheek.
"Here, wear this one. You look better in black anyways," she told me, handing me my black guns and roses t-shirt. "You has this all planned out," I laughed, slipping the shirt on. She just smiled and shrugged her shoulders at me before leaving the room.
"We leave in ten minutes!" I called after her, earning a 'yea yea' in response.
Lauren had been staying with us for the past six months after her ex boyfriend had kicked her out. We took her to get her things a few days later just to find he had left all of her things out on the curb. Thankfully, nothing was ruined, but I really wish I would've been able to see the guy. I honestly just wanted to kick his ass. Lauren wanted to get her own place but we insisted she could stay with us for a little until she was ready. Six months later and she's still around, not that i'm complaining.
"Hey, were about to go get in the car. You're driving," my best friend said as he tossed me the keys. "Why do I have to drive?" I asked, watching Caroline walk in behind Y/b/f. "So we can make out in the back seat," she joked, laughing at the facial expression I made.
"You two are gross," I said, slipping on my shoes. "Oh, please. You say that as if you wouldn't like to be doing the same with Lauren right now," Y/b/f said, making my cheeks flush red. "It's not even like that," I told him as I stood up. "Y/n, c'mon. I think your little crush on her is really cute," Caroline said. "Big crush," Y/b/f corrected, laughing when I flipped them both off and walked out to the car.
I hopped in the drivers seat and saw Lauren was already in the passenger seat. "Gimme your phone," she said. I handed her my phone, knowing she wanted to play music off of mine. She always claimed that my playlist was better than hers. I watched her unlock my phone with her finger print as Caroline and Y/b/f climbed into the back seat.
The ride to the mall was how it usually is. Lauren and Caroline singing at the top of their lungs while Y/b/f and I laughed and occasionally joined in. Soon we were pulling up at the mall and Caroline immediately dragged
Y/b/f off while Lauren and I stuck together."C'mon, I need a bathing suit," Lauren claimed, grabbing my hand and leading me into Victoria's Secret. "It smells like straight perfume in here," I told her, watching her playfully roll her eyes while she looked at a few bathing suits.
I watched her for a second, admiring the way she looked flawless without even having to try. She was just wearing my big t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts and she still looked perfect.
I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw her tense, following her eyes to see she was staring at an unfamiliar guy across the store, who was shopping with another girl. "Lauren, who's that?" I asked, feeling her grab my hand and intertwine our fingers.
"That's him."
That was all Lauren had to say and I already knew who it was. That was her ex-boyfriend. Why is he staring at her like that? He doesn't deserve to look at her. I watched him as he slowely made his way over when the girl he was with entered the dressing room.
"Lauren?" He asked, seemingly a bit nervous. "What do you want Brad?" She asked, her tone cold and harsh. "I- uhh. It's nice to see you," he mumbled before looking over at me and scrunching up his face. "Who is that?" He asked, pointing at me as if I wasn't even here.
"My name is Y/n," I stated in the same tone Lauren used before. "...and what business do you have being in our conversation?" Brad asked me, raising his eyebrows. I wanted to punch him square in the jaw but before I could move Lauren tightened her grip on my arm.
"He's my boyfriend," Lauren lied.
I watched Brad's face drop as his eyes flickered between the two of us. "Wow. What a downgrade," Brad said, scoffing at me. "Excuse you?" Lauren asked. "I don't think it's possible to downgrade after you." Brad's face dropped again as he stuttered trying to come up with something to say back. "Wha- You see. This is why we broke up. Maybe if you weren't such a bitch we could've worked out."
"Don't fucking talk to her like that." He looked at me and laughed. "Y/n," Lauren whispered, trying to calm me down. "What are you gonna do abo-" I cut him off when I punched him in the jaw. "Y/n!" Lauren yelled, pulling me back as Brad tried to stand up.
"You fucking asshole," Brad yelled, going to charge at me but before he got to me a security guard took him down. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," an employee told me. "Gladly," I rolled my eyes, leaving the mall and heading out to the car. I could hear Lauren's footsteps behind me the whole way there and before I could open the door Lauren spun me around and pushed my back into the car.
"What the hell was that?" She asked, green eyes piercing into mine. "He can't just fucking talk to you like that and get away with it," I mumbled, looking away to calm myself down. I felt her hand turn my head back towards her and I saw a slight smirk on her face.
"Why are you smiling?" I asked her. "You're cute when your mad," she said, making me blush slightly. "Whatever," I said trying to turn to get in the car but failing when she turned me back around and crashed her lips into mine. I took me a second to realize what was going on, but I soon kissed back.
"What was that?" I asked when she pulled back. "I don't know. I thought we were still playing the boyfriend/girlfriend act," she claimed, smirking at me again. "I mean I guess but did that one kiss really sell it?" I asked, watching her face light up as she leaned back in and we kissed a second time.
"Fucking finally," we heard from behind us, making us separate. "What the hell, Y/b/f," Caroline said, slapping his arm lightly. "You ruined their moment." "They'll have plenty more," my best friend claimed.
"Give me the keys. I'm driving home," Lauren said, taking the keys from me. "Why can't I drive?" I asked as Caroline and Y/b/f climbed into the back seat. "Because you need ice for your knuckles," Lauren told me, making me look down to realize my knuckles were red and swollen. "Oh," I said, making her giggle as we both got into the car.
this was fun to write
shout out to @ralasad for the part 2 idea !