Chapter 1.1 - Someone that doesn't belong

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Itwas dark, the sun already set down when all the people in the villagemet up in the town hall. "Thank you everyone that you came heretoday." said a man who walked in on small podium. He had longblack coat and black hat on his brown hair which were ashoulder-length. He also had a staff from a dark wood and at the endwas some kind of white crystal. When he raised his hands the staff inhis left hand glow. "As we all know our village protects themonster from a possible outside dangers. However there is one price.We need every month sacrifice one of us to the monster." Allpeople around him silently agreed and nodded before the mancontinued. "So it is today when the crystal chooses our nextsacrifice." after his speech he raised again his staff andtrough a hole in the roof came a moonlight. It hit the crystal whichbend the light and now it aimed at the crowd of people. You would beexpecting from them to run or scream, however the crown was silentand didn't move. The people were used to this ritual. It wasunavoidable. The light traveled to corner of the room. It touchedforehead of a young man who was now terrified. He was twenty at most."The choice was made." said the man and put back down hisstaff. People standing around the boy immediately grabbed him and theman with staff walked closer. He put his hand inside his pocked underhis cloak and when he withdrew it back, his hand was covered in astrange substance a reddish color. He then raised his hand and acrossthe boys forehead he made three thick lines. "No! Edmund."Shouted someone from the crown. It was man, smaller height withblonde hair. He broke through the people right next to the man withstaff. "Please Stewart, you can't do this." the man withstaff now known as Stewart looked at the blonde. "You know therules Gabriel."

"Buthe's my young brother! Please. Can I go instead of him." Gabrielwas now restrained by other people so he didn't attack Steward. "I'msorry. The moon chose him." said Stewart and looked at Edmund."Take him to lockup. Tomorrow it begins."

Theytook him away. Rest of the people went to their homes except Gabriel.He just stood there. And saw them walked away when they released him.

Thenext day he woke up sooner than normal. The sun was raising upon thevillage. It was beautiful sight however Gabriel wasn't paying anyattention to it. He went straight to a little shed at the end of thevillage. Gabriel opened door with creaking and entered the shed.Inside were bars and behind them sit his young brother hunkered downin the corner. "Edmund." Whispered his older brother.Edmund turned around and smiled when he saw him. "Gabriel. Thankgod you are alright. I was scared for a second you would get introuble." Edmund was trying lighten up the mood which didn't gotoo well. Gabriel knelt down beside him so only the bars were intheir way and silently tears started running down his face. "I'msorry. I'm so sorry. It should've been me."

"Don'tsay that..." Edmund was starting to saying something but Gabrielcut him of, "No, It's true. I promised our mother that nothingwill happen to you, that I will protect you... and... I can't even dothat." he was now sobbing and Edmund held quietly his hand."Hey." Gabriel looked up back at his brother. "Don'tbe sad. It would happend sooner or later." he chuckled. "Youknow, I'm not scared anymore at least it's not you."

"Ishould've been."

"Butit's not." There was a long pause after that. "Gabriel, youmust promise me something." Edmund now looked properly at hisbrother. His brown eyes met blue ones. "You must promise me thatyou will not do anything stupid." Gabriel now smiled but hiseyes still held sadness. "You were always been the one whostayed happy at all times. You could always lighten up the mood...What will I do without you."

"Youare strong. Stronger than me, you will do fine without me."Edmund then tried to hug Gabriel through the bars which was only ahalf successful but they didn't mind.

Restof the morning they just sit there quietly, enjoying the last momentstogether. When the sun at the highest point of the day, Stewart withhis men came inside the shed and one of them opened the bars. Theytook Edmund outside. Gabriel remained inside he didn't want to seewhat was coming because he knew what will happend next. He witnessedit too many times. He was always one of the people who usually tookthe individuals chosen for sacrifice. Gabriel was slightly glad hedidn't need to do it now. So he just sit there and waited. Meanwhilethe men carried Edmund to the center of their small village. Therestand a big wooden cross with shackles at the ends. They brought himto it and tied him up. The boy wasn't fighting against it because heknew there wasn't a option. When the boy was secured they left himalone and they went to hide inside their homes like rest of thepeople. He was now standing there alone and waited. It wasn't thatlong before he heard a screeching and roar. After a loud thumpingfrom the forest he saw the monster coming closer and closer. Itlooked like huge lion with serpent tail and bird head. When thecreature was almost in front of Edmund it growled. I was slowlyopening and closing its beak with sharp teeth. Tears filled Edmund'seyes.

Gabrielhad his head in his hands and tried to not to cry when he heardscreams from outside. His little brother was dead...

Nextday he went to the chief but when he found him Stewart was with him."Howard." said Gabriel turning towards the chief. "Pleaseyou need to stop this this madness. Just give me a few men and wecould kill the beast. This went to far."

"Gabriel,we talked about this." spoke the one with the staff instead ofchief like Gabriel expected. "Just please listen to me." herepeated. The two men clearly ignored him he just sighted and left.


Amonth later the day of choosing came again. People again get togetherin the town hall. Full moon was raising and Gabriel was feelingmiserable more than before. From the day he didn't slept much, heworked less and almost he didn't eat. When the time came and thestaff was raised he saw a women standing next to him who had thelight on her fore head but before anyone could notice he stand infront of her because this women had a few children. He knew her. Shewas always kind to everyone, so he made his decision. He closed hiseyes and waited. He wasn't moving until he heard Stewart walkingtowards him. "Well, well, well, your wish has been granted. Ihope you are now happy." he smirked as he make the three linesacross his forehead. Gabriel glared at him as he raised his hand andthe men took Gabriel away into the same wooden shed where he wasmonth before, but now they threw him on the opposite side behind thebars. The only thing next he heard was silence. It was dark and onlya moonlight shine through the cracks in the wood. He sit on a haywhich was scattered around the room.

"Whatdid you do?" asked a voice in the dark.

Gabrielwas caught of guard. He wasn't expecting anyone to be here. He lookedtowards the source of the voice and saw sitting figure in the darkcorner.

"Whoare you?" said Gabriel more confidently than he felt. "Iasked you first." replied the other person. From the femininevoice he could assume it was a woman. "So, what did you do thatyou ended behind the bars?"

"Ididn't do anything. I was chosen." answered finally Gabriel."Chosen? For what?" the woman continued to ask. "Forsacrifice." after his reply was silence. The woman waited forhim to say more. He sighed. "Every month there is one personchosen to be as offering to the beast. Today it was a kind mother."He paused for a second, "but I stepped in her place."

"Youwould sacrifice yourself like this?" the voice was now sweeterand hint of pity was inside. Gabriel nodded "Well I didn't haveanybody now. I'm alone. My younger brother was the victim before. Idon't wish anyone to feel the same as me when I lost him." Itwas another moment of pure silence before the woman cleared herthroat. "You are either very brave or foolish. What is yourname?"


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