Chapter Three

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Jet Star watched the screens, each one connected to one of the guys. It was able to monitor their heartbeats, blood pressure, time left before the BLI set off their bomb which would destroy Battery City and all who wasn't in the safe haven. Everyone seemed to have made it to their destinations fine, all their vital signs were good.

As Jet wrote down notes, listening to Dr. D on the radio, he thought about what Kobra had said. How he mentioned they would be able to see them again, how they could be brought back here too. Jet stood up and went into his room, lifted up his mattress and picked up the photo from underneath. It was a picture of the four Killjoys and their wives.

He remembered the day the photo was taken, it was their wedding day. They had all decided to get married together since they were basically all inseparable already. Party Poison was standing behind Dark Rose, his arms wrapped around her waist. Fun Ghoul and War Tiger were making faces at each other. Kobra Kid had Shattered Heart on his back and she was giving him a kiss on his cheek. Jet Star and Skye Blu were holding hands, her head placed gently on his shoulder and his head laid on top of her head.

Tears fell onto the picture, Jet was crying. He remembered the day they had lost their partners. The four killjoys were out in a raid, they had left the girls at the diner. During the raid they had come across some Dracs but were easily dusted. They felt victorious, they had gotten a bunch of supplies and were eager to return. They saw the smoke first, it was seen miles away. Party drove as fast as the Trans Am would let him, but it wasn't soon enough.

The diner was gone, burnt down and left only in ashes. Some of the structure was still holding but were nothing but black charred and ready to crumble. The four of them all leaped out of the car and ran into diner, it was still extremely hot from the fire but none of them cared.





No answer came, finally they couldn't stand the heat and left back to car and waited. Night fell upon them, but they wouldn't be able to see so they waited until morning. Smoke was still visible but the heat had died down. They searched for any clues or signs. It was Kobra who found them, four bodies huddled together, burnt into nothing.

No one could speak, they had each lost their partner. They lost everything they had loved, the girls were the reason they fought for what was right. Now the BLI took it away from them. Each one buried their own body and said their own words. Afterwards they went to Dr. D's and told him what happened, he made an announcement on the radio.

What Dr. D and the Fabulous Killjoys didn't know was that at that moment the girls were in fact still alive. Korse had found them, kidnapped them and they were now being tortured at the BLI headquarters. The four bodies found in the remains from the fire were actually four dead Dracs.

Korse would eventually kill each of the partners but not before he had his sadistic fun with them. He handled them one by one, each torture lasted exactly one month before Korse would kill them. The others would hear the screams and cries from their fellow friend. By the time he got to the last one, she had considered herself already dead and waited for her month to be over.

First was War Tiger, Fun Ghoul's partner. Korse walked into the room holding a file with her information in it. "Let's see here, real name is Kaitlyn. Well Kaitlyn this can end very quickly for you and your friends is you are willing to cooperate."

"Go to Hell!"

"I see, you do know they won't come for you. They think all of you are dead. Of course I don't like lying to people so you all will die but how long it takes is up to you. Again this can end quickly or if you prefer very slowly and painful. I like that option more but I'm not completely heartless."

"I won't say anything." With that Korse used his month with Tiger to his liking. He decided he hated repeating himself so each girl would get her own specific death and torture, both physically and sexually. Korse was known as one of the most twisted and sickest Scarecrows ever, his reputation was filled with acts of rape and severe beatings.

With War Tiger, her torture was beatings and by the end Korse was turned on and would use her breasts to get himself off. He would punch and kick and stomp every inch of her body until she barely moved. As she laid on the ground he lifted shirt and jerked off against her breasts. The month finally ended and she never told him what he wanted, so he slit her throat and watched her bleed out. Next was Skye Blu, Jet Star's partner.

"What did you do to Tiger?"

"She's dead and gone now, you will be too but I'm letting you decide how quick it will be. Tell me what I want to know and I'll make sure you die with little to no pain."

"I'm a killjoy and I will not turn on my friends. I don't care what you do, I'll die knowing you won't get anything from me."

"That's where you're wrong..." Korse checked his file, "Heather. You see even if you don't talk you'll still give me what I want which is pleasure and seeing you in pain. Now Heather are you sure of your decision?"

"Fuck you!" Now started Skye's month of torture. With her, Korse whipped her and used her mouth to relieve himself. At first he used his belt to whip Skye but as the month went on he found new tools. A bamboo stick, a leather whip and ended with a spiked strap. Korse would finish whipping her and shove Skye on her knees where he would force himself into her mouth gripping her hair tightly.

At the end of the month Korse strangled Skye until her movements ended. He moved on right away to Dark Rose, Party Poison's partner.

"Lydia, I'm sure you heard the other two killjoys."

"You're a monster."

"Don't worry you'll join them soon enough. Now will you tell me what I want to know?"

"Never!" Korse laid Dark Rose on a table, strapping her to it. Her torture was burning, Korse heated an iron and pressed it against her skin. Sometimes he would just place a flame against her skin. While her skin was on fire he would get on top of her, raping her as she screamed in pain.

By the end of the month Rose was covered with burned marks, her skin bubbled in areas. Korse ended her life by a stab to her heart, the last thought on her mind was seeing Party again. Finally it was Shattered's turn with Korse and she was ready after listening to her friends for three months.

"Emily, you're my last. Tell me what I want and your death will be quick."

"What exactly is it that you want Korse. I'm already dead, so it doesn't matter."

"You're the first to ask me what it is that I want to know. There's hope for you."

"No, I just want to know what secret I'll be taking to my grave."

Korse spent no more time wasting with foolish games. He decided her death would be the slowest and the most painful. Korse strapped her to a rack, and started to turn the crank. Shattered didn't scream, she decided not to give him satisfaction. She was laying on her stomach, this gave him easier access to take her from behind.

Each day he would turn the crank, slowly she was being stretched. Tears would fall upon her cheeks but she never cried out. Shattered kept her mind busy thinking about her friends, especially Kobra. "Today's the last day Emily, I've loved seeing you fight back. You may be strong but sadly your skin and bones are not. Any last words before the final turns?"

"So long and goodnight." Korse turned and turned until Shattered's limbs separated. He was disappointed that his toys were all gone without getting any information but that's four killjoys no longer alive.

None of the fabulous killjoys knew the truth, they still believed that their partners died in the fire. It was better that way, they didn't the truth of what each went through.

Jet Star made his way back to the monitors, everything was still normal. Deep down he hoped Kobra and the others would go against what he said. He hoped they would bring back Lydia, Kaitlyn, Emily and his beloved Heather. "I miss them so much."

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