Chapter Seven

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Fun Ghoul and Frank walked around looking for Kaitlyn, but wasn't succeeding. Frank couldn't stop looking at what he would become, Fun Ghoul had a little more muscle then him and longer hair. "Can I ask you a question?" Ghoul smirked and nodded, he expected questions.

"Okay, so ummm Kaitlyn and I....we get married?"

"Yeah, all of us do. It was a big ceremony, the happiest day of all our lives. Dr. Death Defying performed the ceremony."

"Who's Dr. Death Defying?"

"He's a friend, he sends out radio messages to other Killjoys. Dr. D is the eyes and ears of the zones and Battery City."

Frank stopped walking, Ghoul continued not noticing that his past self had stopped.

"Do we have kids?" Fun Ghoul now stopped in his tracks. It wasn't that none of them hadn't thought about children, who wouldn't want that with their partner. However, it never happened and then the BLI took them away. Although one of the girls was pregnant, she had told Ghoul in secrecy. He never told the father because that would crush him, he already lost his partner.


"Oh." Frank looked at his dirty converse, a look of sadness in his eye. "Why not?" He always thought he would be a good father and wanted to know why it hadn't happened.

Fun Ghoul sighed knowing he had to tell his past self the reason. The horrible truth of what happened to Kaitlyn as well as the others. "Frank, the girls.......the girls get murdered by BLI."

"Wha-what happens?"

"We were out at on a raid, when we came back to our hideout it was burnt down. The girls still inside....."

"!" Frank ran off away from Ghoul. He ran to the tour bus and inside, Kaitlyn was sitting in Frank's bunk reading. Just looking at her he started to cry, Kaitlyn noticed him and ran to his side.

"Frankie, what's wrong?"

"Please don't ever leave me, I love you so much. I don't want to lose you." They embraced in a warm hug and he squeezed her tight.

"Oh Frankie, I'm not going anywhere. Why are you even thinking about that?"

"It's because of me." Kaitlyn and Frank looked to the bus door and saw Ghoul standing there.

"Frank? Wait, what's going on here? Why are there...." Kaitlyn fainted from the discovery of there being two Frank's. Ghoul lifted her up and laid her down on the couch.

"Frank we need to go, come on."

"I can't just leave her alone and I won't. She comes with us or I don't go." Ghoul knew the others would have brought the girls along with them.

"Alright we'll bring her along. Let's just go find the others." Ghoul picked up and carried Kaitlyn bridal style. Frank ran off ahead of him to find the others. Fun Ghoul looked down at his past love, her beautiful face in a peaceful state.

He leaned down and kissed her forehead, then whispered "I've missed you so much."

Once the boys all gathered together they were ready to go. Ray hugged Bob goodbye, "see ya back in the past." The others said their goodbyes as well. Suddenly a bright light engulfed them and they were on their way back to the future. Ghoul still carried Kaitlyn, Frank holding her hand.

Scenes from the future appeared in front of them, including one of Korse standing in front of War Tiger. Then everything became black before the surrounding area started to form.

"Oh come on!" Jet Star's voice shouted at the new group. "I told you all to not even talk to the girls and what happens you bring them back here."

"Oh shut up Jet, like you're not happy to see Skye...uhh Heather again." Party Poison responded to Jet.

Ghoul laid Kaitlyn gently on a bed, hoping she would wake soon. The other girls said they would watch over her until she waked. The guys all gathered around one another and looked at each other.

Bullets era Mikey was the first to speak, "okay so am I the only one to find this fucking strange but cool as Hell?" They all laughed and grouped hugged.

"Hey guys?" Party looked at then with concern. "When I was traveling I saw past scenes, one was of Korse, he was....."

"Standing in a room with one of the girls?" Kobra said finishing Party's sentence.

"I saw that too!" Ghoul said excitedly.

Jet went to the computer and started typing. "You all saw a scene that never happened? It involved Korse and the girls. What could this mean?"

"It wasn't our past we were seeing, it was theirs." Kobra walked to the bedroom door, placing his hand on the wood. "Something happened to them that we don't know about."

Party ran to Jet's side, "is there a way to go into the girl's past and see what happened?"

"There are ways to see their pasts yes, but we're running out of time."

Ghoul now spoke up, "I need to know what happened to them. So do you Jet."

"Why me?"

"Skye was pregnant."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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