Chapter 6

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"It really is you." She smiled. Lydia being one of the tomboys and artistic, yet she was quiet and very introverted. She had a big heart, can be outgoing, and really brave and risk taker. "Yeah." I smiled back.

the other guys had come back by now. "Wait so she was a killjoy in the future.?" Gerard seemed confused just as the others. "Yes her name is dark rose in that time. but her and the three others die."

"Wait what three others?" Mikey asks. "Shattered heart, skye blue, and War tiger. They were each of your lovers." They stared at me as if they could stare at a wall. "That's awful.." Lydia gaped. "So we better get going." i said interrupting the silence. I saw very determined looks on each of there face, especially Gerard's. I remember always being that determined. "I'm coming too." Lydia's voice cut through, I could hear like a scratching noise as if ending the silence once again.

Gerard and my head snapped her way at the same time. She was leaning against the tour bus with her arms crossed and biting her lip as she was trying to find more right words to say. "it's not safe." I took a step towards her. "I'm pretty sure the others are determined to go help as much I am to help." She simply said. Still not moving from her spot. "Listen to party.." Gerard started to say, but was cut off again. "I'm coming!" She repeated again. This made me smile, I still felt my heart shrivel over and over again about wanting to keep her safe. "Alright." I officially said.

"WHAT!" all the guys rung out. I ignored their protests. "We go to the alley way that where we take off from there." Once we were in the alley way I had to find the direct spot I appeared at. "So how do time travel thing worked?" Frank asked as I was trying to hit every spot on the ground. "It's not that bad once you get it going." still no place. there has to be some connection." I mumbled to myself. I looked at the guy and Lydia. "Connection." Now I was getting somewhere.

"We got to join hands." We all gathered around. I could feel a spark gathering in the middle of us. We took one another hands. Wind started to pick up around the speed of 100 mph and now pictures of memories started in a cyclone moving which way and that. To my right there was Lydia and to my left Gerard, then mikey, ray and frank. I felt a small squeeze on my right hand. I look to see Lydia give me a warm smile. its strange because, in the revenge era I didn't know I loved her beside my bet friend. I felt I could kiss her right then and there.

I looked back at the flying motion pictures, there was one during the bombings and then something else caught my eye, it was a labatory, korse's.

I could feel the rests amazement at what they were taking in. I started hearing static and beeping. It was Jet "Party... You are now landing.. (static) I repeat landing back in danger days era. "What was that?" Ray asked. "You'll see." I assured.

Once we started slowing down, could hear more than static and beeping. There seemed to be loud roars of thunder and the whole base was shaking.

"Your back!" Jet ran over to us. he seemed to be in a panic. "Wait what are we to do?" Gerard asked. Jet looked over hem. "We'll explain everything once its settled, right now we got a problem. Korses is setting of grenades trying to look for us."

"Ok we need to find away to get this topped. But where are the others?" i nodded toward the others brought. "In the lab waiting for us." Now we only have one other group left that we're waiting for.

*Written by N9killjoy_dreamer

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