Trey Songz (sad )

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You were sitting at him watching to when you hear a knock on you door and you open it to see none other than your ex Trey

He came to your house to come get some thing after breaking up a few weeks before over differences. You wanted it to be a quiet exchange but he just had to say something

"Y/n... I'm sorry I'm not the only at fault here though"
"Really because I remember you being more of an asshole then I was" you say crossing your arms

"First off you were the one over here making everything a big deal a girl smiles at me," "who's that bitch you fuck her?"he inmates you

"Have you not cheated before?" You point out

"Yes but that is not the point here" he try's to defend himself but changes the subject

"You were geeking for nothing" he says looking at you upset

"I had a reason" you start to walk away

"What was the reason y/n? What could you possibly make up to make yourself the victim?"

"I'm not playing the victim I'm tired of this Trey..." you yell at him shutting him down.

He bows his head the looks up at you. "Look baby I'm sorry" he try's to grab for your hand.

You snatch your hand away "How man times are you going to be sorry before you stop" you cross your arms.

"I'm..." he try's to answer but you interrupt knowing he was going to avoid the question.

"How many times Trey?"

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