B smyth

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You and B have been dating for some time now and you noticed that been a little to clingy even for himself. You were at the studio with him listening to his new project and made sure you were giving him all your attention.

It was getting annoying so you said something "bruh Brandon what is wrong with you?"

He looks at you confused "what are you talking about?" He says with a little attitude.

"You've been breathing down  my back all night whats up?" You asking the question again.

"I just noticed how much time we're not around each other. I just want to be near you baby" he bites his lip moving in closer to you.

"B that's not why. You're clearly not telling me something." You cross your arms.

"I can't just miss you?" He smiles trying to avoid the question.

"No" you answer straight.

"Fine. You been texting a lot of people lately including Trevor Jackson. Would you like to explain."

You think for a minute getting a little upset thinking he must of look through your dm's or something. Everything you said to Trevor was about music.

"Why does it matter what I say to Trevor." You say getting a little defensive.

"Because I'm  your boyfriend and your talking to another dude on the other then me." He says.

"You apparently read the messages so why what's the problem Brandon?"

He smacks his teeth "bruh I just want to make sure nothing crazy is going on, is there?" He ask.

"Nothing is going on stop acting that why your trying to make me sound like I'm cheating on you or something chill." You tell him getting up.

He stand up after you "come on baby chill I'm sorry, You know I hate when you talk to people behind my back like that" he says hugging you from behind.

"B if I'm with you, I'm with you period don't do that shit every again hits annoying" you says calming down.

"You want me to make it up to you?" He smirks kissing your neck.

"Fuck I hate you" you bite your lip.

"I know you do"

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