"Do you ever stop shopping Ash?" Ashley Rayne stared at her best friend, Brianna Parrish smiling. "Chill Brie, I'll be done in a moment." Brianna rolled her eyes. "Fine, but you have twenty minutes and that's it." "Why are you in such a rush?" Ashley asked while picking up a light blue sun dress. "Because we have a schedule to keep up with that's why." Ashley laughed. "Girl you are a mess." "I know I am." Brianna said. "Good, now help me found a nice dress." Ashley said.
Twenty minutes later, the girls had finished shopping and were now heading to a nice restaurant. Upon arriving to Tiffany's Italian Cuisine, Brianna couldn't hold her excitement any longer. "Ok Ash, what are your plans for your birthday?" Ashley sighed. "Thanks for reminding me Brie." Her birthday was this weekend and Ashley had totally forgot about it. "But to be honest with you, I really don't have any plans for my birthday." Brianna gasped. "You gotta be kidding me right?" "Nope," she said popping the p. "We seriously need to start making plans and fast." "I know Brie, but lately it's been kind of hard to do." Brianna drew her brows in a thoughtful look. "Hmm let me guess, your family are giving you he'll right?" Ashley smiled. "See this is why you are my best friend." She placed her head in her hands sighing. "My family is forcing me to marry and I don't want to. But I don't have any choice since it's the law." Brianna nodded. "Of course, the law clearly states that arraigned marriages take place immediately even if either party refuses." "Exactly and I hate it so much." "Me too girl. Fuck the law and the people running it." Ashley laughed. "lol Brie, now you can't hate the law that much. It does has it's perks." "You're right, but the law still sucks ass!" Ashley shook her head as their food arrived. The girls ate in silence until... BOOM! Someone screamed. "What was that?" Brianna said. "I don't know, but it sounded like it was close." BOOM! "Oh fuck it," Brianna said rising for her seat. "Let's get outta here!" Ashley agreed and they set off. As the girls made their way towards the main entrance, the floor began to shake and the chandeliers looked as if they were on the verge of shattering. Ashley braced herself on a nearby wall. "Now I know we don't have volcanoes around for miles; so why's the fucking ground shaking?" "I don't know Ash, but let's keep moving." Ashley was about to reply when suddenly... BANG! BANG! BANG! POP! POP! POP! Brianna's eyes widen in fear. "Was that gun shots?" "I don't give a damn what it was Brie! Let's just go!" Brianna nodded and they begin running as fast as they could. Minutes later, Ashley spotted a tunnel to her left. She motion Brianna to follow her inside and she obliged. Carefully, they made their way through the tunnel avoiding traps and other repulsive things. As they near the end of the tunnel, the girls breathe a sigh of relief. Suddenly, they pulled from the tunnel with brutal force. "LET HER GO YOU BRAINLESS BASTARDS!" Brianna screamed. The hooded men snickered as they carelessly manhandled Ashley who fought back. Ashley stepped on one of the men foot and he howled in pain. Next, she slung him across her shoulder sending him crashing on the ground. Brianna was next. She elbowed the guy holding her in the stomach and took him down in a swift motion. The girls continued to fight them off until... BANG! Ashley turned and so did Brianna. Another group of men stood feet from them. Their leader was tall and muscular to the core. He had bulging biceps and was breathtakingly handsome. He looked at Ashley as if she was something to eat. With a quick motion, he ordered his men to surround them. Quickly. Ashley and Brianna stood back to back watching the group intently. Then the men lunged for them. They dodged the attack racing to escape, but they were cornered. "What do you want with us?" Brianna said. The leader walked casually over to them pulling Ashley roughly. "NO LEAVE HER ALONE YOU-" Something collided against the back of Brianna's head and Ashley screamed as Brianna crumbled to the ground. "BRIANNA," she cried out. "WAKE UP!" "She can't hear you," The leader said. "What did you bastards do to her?" Ashley said. The leader smirked. "Oh you'll find out in due time princess." "What do you-" Something came over her mouth and everything went black.

Twisted Awakening (Completed)
ActionAshley Rayne had everything going great for her. Suddenly, her world was turned upside down when she is taken captive. Jayden Robertson is known as the most successful bachelor in the world, but what happens when he becomes her greatest protector fr...