Chapter 6

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An Hour Later
Hera Pov.
We Came Out Of Hyperspace Over Clan Bridger's Planet And Actvied The Chip. We Received No Transmissions Or No Ships Attacking Us. So Far So Good. I Took The Ghost The Surface And Landed In Area A Little Bit Farther From The Base. So We Won't Be Spotted.

We Have To Be Quite Or Else We'll Be Spotted. I Said. Right. Zeb Said. We Exited The Ship And Sneak Our Way To The Base. We Got A Hill And Saw Spot Lights. We Mange To Get Past All Them And Were On The Side Of The Base.

I Look Around The Corner And Saw A Side Door But It Was Guarded By Two Mandalorians. We Have To Get Them Away From The Door. Any Ideas? I Ask. Here's Something. Zeb Said And Pick Up A Rock. He Threw The Rock At Another Wall Which Made The Guards Go Check It Out. Go go go!!! I said And We All Ran To The Door.

Chopper Hack Into The Door And Open It. We All Got Inside And Close It Behind Us. We Have To Find The Command Center. Kanan Said. I Believe It's In The Next Hallway. Wait Guards. We All Hid As They Walk Past Us. Once That They Were Gone.

We Came Out Of Hiding Places And Kelp Moving. In Seconds We Reach The Command Center And I Look Inside. The Room Was Empty And Dark. Looks Like Nobody Here Chopper Open It. Chopper Complain And Zeb Spoke. Just Open The Door And Stop Complaining. Zeb Said.

Chopper Plug Into The Door And Open It. We Walk In Chopper Close The Behind Us. We Walk Around The Room Searching For Master Computer Until I Found It. Here It Is. Chopper Download The Information Off This Computer. But I Didn't Get Any Response. Chopper? Chopper? Kanan? He Didn't Response Either. Zeb?

I'm Afraid They Can't Hear You Hera. Someone Said Then The Lights Turned On And The Room Was Full With Mandalorians Laughing And Pointing Their Blasters At Me. I Look On The Ground And Kanan, Zeb, And Chopper Were Unconscious.

You Really Thought Your Little Plan Was Going To Work Hera. What Ashame. Sabine Said Laughing At Me. How Did You Know That We Were Here? I Ask. We Have Body Heat Sensors. We Detected You But Choses Not Contact You.

We Allow You To Think You Had The Upper Hand. Allow You To Fall Right Into Our Trap. Why You... I Said But Sabine Cut Me Off Grabbing My Face. Take Her Friends To A Holding Cell And As For You Hera. You're Coming With Me.

The Next Day.
Kanan pov.
I Started To Wake Up And Found Myself In A Cell Along With Zeb And Chopper. But Hera Was No Where To Be Found. Then Zeb Started Waking Up And So Did Chopper. Kanan What Happened And Where's Hera? He Ask. Don't Know. We Were Unconscious When I Woke Up.

She Could Be In The Next Cell Over. I Said Then The Cell Door Open Up As Mandalorian  Warrior Walk In With Their Blasters Pointing At Us. One Step Up And Said. Your Coming With Us.

2 Minutes Later
We Were All Cuff Behind Our Backs And Was Taking To A Room Where We Saw Mandalorians Standing Side By Side. And Ezra And Sabine Were Sitting In On Thrones Like A King And Queen. Well I See That You're Finally Awake. Ezra Said. WHERE'S HERA!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER!!! I Yelled.

Bring Her In. Sabine Said. In Moments Hera Came In With Two Mandalorian's Behind Her. Holding Her Arm As She Was Cuff Behind Her Back. She Also Had Rips In Her Jumpsuit And A Shock Collar Around Her Neck.

WHAT DID YOU TWO DO TO HER!!! Zeb Yelled. Oh Nothing But Gave Her A Lesson On What Happens When You Return Her. Sabine Said. Let Her Go. I'm Afraid Not. We're Going To Keep Her. She Belongs To Us Now. Ezra Said. WHAT BUT WHY!!! I Yelled.

Because She Will Be An Example To Rebellion That If They Continue To Get In Our Way. We Would Have No Choice But To Kill Her And Transmit The Rebellion Base To The Empire Or There Is Deal Two. Sabine Said. And What's Deal Two? Zeb Ask. We Let You Go And You Tell The Rebellion What We Said. Ezra Said.

NEVER!!! I Yelled. Oh Well Then. Sabine Pulled Out Her Blaster And Pointed It Right In Hera's Face. Wait We'll Do What You Say But Please Don't Kill Her. Alright Kanan. Glad We Came To An Understanding. Ezra said As Sabine Lower Her Blaster And Spoke.

Take Them Back To Their Ship. Your Weapons Are Alright On Bored. Now Get Them Out Of Sight. Sabine Ordered. Yes Your Highness. The Four Warriors Who Brought Us In Said. They Pick Us Up And We Started Walking Out The Throne Room. We Were Brought Outside And Released Of Our Handcuffs.

Now Get Out Of Here. One Of Mandaloraian's Said As We Bored The Ghost And Took Off. Kanan We're Not Just Going To Lave Hera Here Are We? Zed Ask. We Don't Have A Choice. They're Too Powerful To Fight And Outsmart. We Must Do What They Say An Order To Keep Hera Alive. I Said And Took The Ghost Into Hyperspace.

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