Chapter 19

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One hour later
Sabine pov.
We were back at our base after we destroy the hoth base. It was a great victory for mandaloraian's. Hera told me and ezra that the remaining rebels ships that wasn't shot down fled but she did capture the comman ship that we have a very special prisoner. She told me they are in a cell. I told her to keep them there and once we return back to base. Transfer them to the a cell on the base.

She did and now that person is in a cell. I was on my way to with hera. We open the cell and the prisoner was a surprise. It was the princess. Well princess leia how are you enjoying yourself? I ask her. You can't keep me here. The rebellion will come for me. She said. No they won't. Their just leave you like they did to me. Hera said.

Yeah but I'm important to the rebellion their have to come for me. No their not. They seem our power they know what we are capable of. I said. Your wrong my father will come for me. Fine let's go ask him ourselves then. Stand up and start moving. She got up and we started moving to the comman center.

Ezra pov.
I was in the comman center checking on everything. Then sabine and hera came in with leia. So leia is our prisoner. What she's doing here? I ask. She won't believe us that the rebellion won't come for her. So let's contact them and see what they say. Sabine said. Alright then. Warrior contact the rebellion for me. Yes sir. He said. He contacted them for us and now we wait.

Somewhere in the outer rim
Kanan pov.
I can't believe this. First they attack us, and now they have my daughter. Bail organa said. Well there must something we can... but I was cut off by a rebel soldier. Excuse me mon mothma but were receiving a transmission from clan bridger. He said. They must want an exchange for something for leia. Mon mothma said. Fine put it through. Organa said.

The transmission went through and there we saw ezra, sabine, hera, and Leia. My daughter are you alright? I'm fine dad.  She will be when she stays here. If think you can come and get her. Ezra said. No we can't. I think your set up a trap for us. We barely have ship to spare to save her. So no we're not come.

Ok organa since we'll be keeping your daughter. We'll return the other rebels that were on her ship. Your lying ezra. You won't hand them over to us. I said. Don't worry this time I will. I have no use for them and to prove I'm telling the truth. You can come pick them up at these corners. He send the cornes to us. Father you can't do this. Leia pleased. I'm sorry leia but I have too. He said and ended the transmission.

Ezra pov.
Well looks like your father abandoned you leia. I said. Yes did. He just gave me to you guys and now I'm your prisoner. She said. Well you don't have to be. What do you mean ezra? I mean you can join us. Are sure that I can? Leia you have no where else to go since the rebellion abandoned you like they did us.

You know what ezra your right the rebellion and my own father abandoned me. So I will join you and clan bridger. She said. Then get on one knee. I said. She got on one knee and look at me. Do you leia swear your loyalty to all of clan bridger? I do and will do forever. Then rise then. Sabine said.

Welcome to clan bridger leia. They hug each other and me and hera join in too. Thank you guys. My father and the rest of rebellion will pay for all the attacks on this clan. FOR CLAN BRIDGER! She yelled. FOR CLAN BRIDGER! We all yelled back and so did the warriors in the comman room. This is going to be good.

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