Chapter 17

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There were 3 imperial frigates flying through space with fuel on board the middle ship when their radar went off. Sir were detecting a large vessel coming out of hyperspace. Then the ship came out of hyperspace and it was a star destroyer.

Ezra pov.
I was in the bridge of our new star destroyer come to steal fuel for our ships. The plan was simple. Hera and the captain were to lead the our fighters against their fighters while sabine and her group go to the middle ship and get the fuel and bring it back to the ship then we'll blow up the frigates. Sir were receiving a transmission from the ship. Said one of the warriors. Put it through. I said.

IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER WHY ARE YOU OUT HERE? Oh we're here to steal your fuel. I said. WHO IS THIS? YOUR NOT IMPERIALS. Your find out who we are. I ended the transmission and hera and the captain to lunch the attack. Thanks ezra all teams create an opening for sabine and her group to get the fuel. Hera said. Copy that. The fighters said. They flew out of the hangar and fought against the ties that were coming. Sir we have created an opening the group can come now. The captain said.

Alright sabine your on. Let's do this guys. She said and flew out of the hangar with her team.

Sabine pov.
When ezra gave me the word. We all flew towards the middle ship. Once we reach the airlock. We blow it open and enter. Alright the cargo should be this way but be prepared for a lot of troopers along the way. Yes your highness. They all said. We run down the hallway and shot every trooper along the way. We made it to the cargo hold and open the door. Alright their's the fuel let's go get. We ran to the fuel and secure it. Ezra we got the cargo. Coming back to the ship right now. I said over the com. Copy that. He said. We open the cargo doors and flew out back to ship.

Ezra pov.
I watch sabine and her group flew in the hangar with the fuel. I call back the ghost and the fighters and they also landed in the hangar too. Alright now that everyone back all batters destroy those frigates. Yes sir. They all said. I watch the frigates be destroy. Ha now they know who we are. Alright let's jump for home. Then our radar went off. Sir there are several ships coming out of hyperspace space. Let me guess the rebels. Then the ships appear and it was them.

Kanan pov.
I was on the command ship with zeb and chopper when come out of hyperspace to steal fuel for the fleet.  But a star destroyer was destroying imperial frigates. That strange. Zeb said. Then we receive a transmission from the destroyer. Put it through. I said.

Rebels I see that you come to join the party but your too late. Ezra! How did your team took over a star destroyer? I ask. That's none of your business but if you come for the fuel your too late. He said. Give us the fuel or our fighters will destroy your ship. With what your bombs. YES ALL Y-WINGS FIGHTERS ATTACK!!! They all attack and launch their bombs at ship but it didn't do nothing.

Blue leader to comman ship. It didn't work. Blue leader said. How did that didn't work. It became we install super shields and a super hyperdrive but since you attack us. It's only fair that we do the same. ALL BATTERS FIRE ON THE REBEL SHIP!!! Ezra yelled. Quickly get us out of here. I said. Some of the ship got hit and destroy and the rest and us jump into hyperspace.

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