Part 5

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2 months later~~~

Arjun leaned on door watching his wife water all plants in garden area adjacent to their room. She was as usual humming some song while being totally involved in her work so involved that she still hasn't noticed her presence. A smile was playing on her lips and he didn't want to disturb her but he was starting to get jealous of those damn plants. He wanted some attention. So after nearly standing there for 5 minutes or so he cleared his throat to let her know of his presence.

Keeping the watering can on side she walked towards him with her patent soft smile. "Kafi der se kadhe h beth jaiye...main chai lekr aati hu" she left from there making him little embarrassed. Now she wasn't that oblivious of his staring as he thought.

He was sitting in garden when she returned with his tea. Keeping his tea in front of him she too sat beside him. It has become some sort of their routine to have evening tea together. Sometimes they talk or sometimes they just sit silently. Though things have changed between them still they have a long way to go. Arohi is still distant from him and he still hasn't got the forgiveness he has been seeking for.

"How was college?" realizing she wasn't going to speak anything he started conversation.

Yeah she resumed her studies as she had planned earlier. Arjun was the one who insisted her to follow her dreams. He personally took care of everything. From understanding her interests to bringing forms of all top colleges offering course in her area of interest. Seeing her fulfill her dreams was his dream now.

She took a small sip of tea "great. As always"

Arjun nodded "nice. My office was also great. Although there was hell lot of work still it was overall great day. I bagged two deals"

She nodded "congratulations"

He mouthed a thank u and sipped his tea..."what is ur favorite color?"


He leaned on his chair stretching his legs "I am just asking for knowledge...I should know ur favorite color like u know mine. Blue!"

She smiled "I never asked u ur favorite color...U should also guess without asking"

He chuckled "is it a challenge?"

"maybe" she shrugged her shoulders.

He glimpsed at her drinking her tea calmly with a playful smile. he thought intently about her favorite color...Pink...most girl have it as favorite color but no..maybe Purple. Afterlot of thinking he came at one color.


Arohi looked at him surprised...

"I am right" he grinned seeing her face..."yes"

She giggled "but how!"

He shrugged his shoulders mimicking her "Just like that"

She smiled at him and picking up now empty cups walked away leaving Arjun smiling in himself.

Arjun came out changing in his night clothes. He found Arohi in the same position he had left her. Sitting at corner in her night gown with a novel in her hand. Thirteen Reasons Why.

"got new book this time" he said while settling in bed.

Arohi gave him a momentary glance from and then indulged herself back in book "Yeah! A show based on it is being much hyped. Was curious to know what it is about."

"watch the show"

"nah! Books are always better" she replied all the time keeping her eyes focused in book.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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